gre issue写作优秀实例:教学活动.

2017-08-09 作者: 40阅读



  In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach.



  There are more and more complaints from students who find that what they learn in classroom can hardly be directly applied to solve problem they meet in their jobs because of the gap between the courses in universities and the intricate problems in the fast changing society. There&aposs no doubt that the experience of some faculties in working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach may help provide more satisfactory educations for the practical demands from some students. However, it&aposs too hasty to generalize this argument to include all the faculties as the author&aposs assertion.

  Whether the quality of instruction at the college and university can be improved if faculties have experiences outside in course related job depends on the purpose of the education of the particular discipline where the faculties belong to. Generally there are two categories of disciplines with different purposes of education in universities: one is to train students with practical skills which put them at more advantageous position in the job markets, such as engineering or law school, another aims at cultivating well-rounded persons and seems less practical, such as history, philosophy, or some theoretical science. The education in these disciplines does not guarantee the students to earn more money but to cultivate such abilities of independent and critical thinking, creativity and the desire to explore the unknown territories.

  For the faculties to train students with practical skills, the experience of them in outside profession related job can help improve the quality of their instructions. The job outside can make the faculties acquaint themselves with the problems their students supposed to face in the future careers and the gap between their courses and those problems. Based on the understanding, they can better design the contents of their courses to prepare their students for having strong abilities to fectively exploit their knowledge from the study in university to deal with the difficulties in their future jobs. The experience outside the academic environment can also make the faculties know the demands for their disciplines from the society. In modern society, the success of a technology does not only depend on how advanced the technology is but also how it satisfy the demands of the customers. Students can better select their interests or careers if the faculties provide them with the information of the prospective or trends of the disciplines they study and the needs for these skills in the society.

  However, for the other less practical disciplines, the experience of the faculties outside in professions related works doesn&apost help much to improve the instruction quality. One of the obvious difficulties for these faculties is that there are only a few profession related jobs for them. Except for universities and research institutes, organizations seldom need a physicist knowing well about the structure of atoms or historian researching the middle age in Europe. The quality of the instruction from these faculties in less practical disciplines depends on the faculties&apos deep understanding of their fields of study and the deep understanding is just the results of long time independent thinking, analyzing, synthesis, and discussion with colleagues not from the experience outside. A physicist understanding of the universe won&apost be deeper after he spends ten years on designing computers which is obviously physics related job. Free research environment not the experience outside help improve the instruction quality of these less practical fields.

  To sum up, bore asking faculties to spend time outside on profession related working, we should know clearly the particular purpose of their disciplines. Outside experience help improve the instruction quality of the faculties aiming at training students with skills for solving practical problems in their future careers. However, for faculties aiming at cultivating well-rounded persons, free research environment not the outside experience promotes the quality improvement of instructions.


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