2017gre issue写作优秀实例:媒体.

2017-08-09 作者: 339阅读



  In this age of intensive media coverage, it is no longer possible for a society to regard any woman or man as a hero. The reputation of anyone who is subjected to media scrutiny will eventually be diminished.



  Too often we hear people say that with the ever-increasingly intensive media coverage,no public figure would safely pass the scrutiny of this mass media campaign and eventually subject to the downfall of their reputation as public heroes. I agree that this phenomenon is abundant in the modern society; however, the speaker goes too far in claiming that no woman or man could secure his or her place as heroes.获得更多gre考试咨询点击进入>>>>澳际免费咨询顾问或联系QQ客服:

  Admittedly, the mass media has a role in the demystification of a person that were once regarded as a paragon and model of the society he lives in. it is understandable mainly for two reasons. For one thing, the mass media industry’s prosperity owns much to their detailing recording and description of people’s idols. After all, the executive understand that nothing could be more appealing and eye-catching than observing that a public figure making mistakes and thus being banished from the adoring shrines built by public. Consider Nixon’s Water Gate Scandal, Bill Clinton’s sex scandal, and Kennedy’s ex-marital scandal, each of which become the hottest topic being reported on the media coverage. If it were not for the mass media scrutiny, we would expect that people still regard them as the national hero as ever bore since as public servant of a country, a politician’s personal moral equates in importance to that of the public moral. The second for the occurrence of this phenomenon is closely related with the psychology of the public. People enjoy the pleasure of seeing famous people do the same stupid thing as they do since it is the nature of human beings to be jealous of the success of others. What is more, some people take the flawless nature of a hero for granted because they consider that as the symbol of a nation, the duty of a hero is to withstand scrutiny from all aspects.

  Finishing analyzing why the media scrutiny is so rampant today and how they contribute to the demystification of public heroes, I insist that although heroes are more subject to scrutiny today than the previous century, it is too presumptuous to assert that it is impossible to regard any woman or man as heroes. Everyone has his foibles and to regard those foibles as the yardstick to judge a person may prove to be unfair. The result is deleterious, our society has no people to pay admire, to draw inspiration from. Additionally, even if the psychology of public is critical with who would stand with their scrutiny and secure a place as public models, they learn that heroes are just ordinary people like us and to fully appreciate them requires an unbiased perspective from all sides of their life. Clinton is considered to misuse his power in deceiving public about his wrongdoing as well as his undisciplined behavior.

  However, he is still the model of presidents in American history who play an important role in drawing American economy to the right track and tackling many problems rooted in the American society. I pessimistically argue that heroes will always there to be our models and under strict scrutiny, we would more easily observe the true self under the glorious appearance.

  What is more, we should observe a strange phenomenon in today’s media industry that is on one hand, they create many heroes and on the other hand they downplay a lot of heroes. We observe too often that a singer may regarded as national hero since he won the favor of fangs all over the world, or a athlete as a hero for the sake that he won the Olympic games, or a entrepreneur as a hero with regard to the economic contribution he devote to the country. These phenomenon aptly informs us that media scrutiny is not always the objective and precise way of examining the qualification of a hero and we would not rely on them to make judgment. Thus it is no sensible to declare that the media will hold the power of diminishing heroes since the claim downplay the rational thinking by modern people.

  To sum up, I concede with speaker insofar as the mass media scrutiny power exerted by modern media industry. However, the speaker goes too far to claim the result would be the diminishing of any woman or man heroes, which I am strongly against.This conclusion misconstrues the role placed on media as well as underestimating the critical analyzing ability of modern people.

  long as they think comprehensively on the reasons and reality, they will certainly lead us to a better future.


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