2017gre issue写作优秀实例:全球化之信息.

2017-08-09 作者: 451阅读



  As societies all over the world have more and more access to new information, the fects on life-long learning can only be positive.



  For the young, it rouses their curiosity. For the old, it adds to their experience.Although it inevitably creates problems ensuing, it is clear that because of its important influence, new information has played a crucial role in the fects on life-long learning.In this era of rapid development of modern technology, the Mcluhan "global village" is no more than a communicational conception. The more access to new information, the more resources of learning in various forms we have been offered. The availability of information on the Internet, for example, widens the possibilities of informal education immensely. With its very advent, schools and universities have now been able to provide multifarious educational courses online for students all over the world,regardless of age, gender or race. Not only the Internet, the television, fax, mobile phone, can all serve as our learning medium through which people may get lots of information they need. It is no surprise when a little girl speaks plausibly about the presidential nomination of the United States underway in that she maybe a faithful fans of the CNN programs which often comment on current hot issue.获得更多gre考试咨询点击进入>>>>澳际免费咨询顾问或联系QQ客服:

  Also in rerence to the educational philosophy, the revolution of new information has brought a tremendous change, if not overwhelming, not only in enriching the learning vehicles but also in innovating our view on life-long learning. Education now is anything but a limitation. It takes no account of geographical boundary, of beli difference or of economic inequality. Methods of teaching and leaning with the help of electronic medium have been sufficient enough that it seems that “all roads lead to learning”. An old man aged 80, for example, will probably well enjoy taking up with a second language, accompanying him only a personal computer aside. A middle aged officer, again, may have no time learning during his working days, but can still make up for learning during night when he studies in the online classroom. All these can hardly be imagined bore while facts have demonstrated that it is never too old to learn for us and also for our children. Learning has thus been a truly lifelong process,in which we may learn whenever we prer and whatever we want to know about.

  Admittedly, like every coin has two sides, the information resource is no exception.With the coming of rerred results there also goes lots of redundant materials. Hardly can one distinguish the usul things from the useless in a short period of time.Screens full of violence, drug abuse and sexes may also leave a shade in the young&aposs hearts. To say nothing of some con man, cheat some credulous people in that world of virtual reality. Fearful as it may seem, all these should not mask the positive influences information has played on our learning process. We have witnessed our government’s passing laws on restriction as well as censorship about the misdoings of information.On the other hand, had we called for our self-awareness and self-precautions, it would also avail to the removal of these dissatisfactory doings.

  All in all, without access to new information impacting our learning, we will still lag behind the information highway. Despite the emergence of information misuse, it is its far-reaching influences that fundamentally change the resource and the conception of learning.


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