
2017-08-09 作者: 301阅读


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  1.A gruondless survey/study

  The validity of the survy is open to doubt.

  The survey lacks representativeness...

  There is no specific information about the survy...

  Without knowing how the survey was done,how it represents the public opnion

  Who conducted the survy?who responded?how the pool was conducted?

  The opinon lacks representativenss of overall attitudes based on which we can make any general judgement about the conclusion....

  In absence of specific information about the survey,it’s impossible for us to evaluate the argument.


  The arguer commits a fallacy of oversimplification.

  There are several major factors contribute to the XXX other than YYY ,such as/for instance ZZZ, all of which are ignored by the arguer.

  As we know ,XXX depends on many factors ,such as ZZZ, which are unknown from the argument.

  The arguer fails to establish a causal relationship between XXX and YYY .

  For example ,YYY may also help explain XXX.

  Factors such as AA and BB both have some bearing on XXX.

  Actually,the recommendation that YYYY as the only way to XXX most likellly turn out to be infective and somewhat misleading.

  3.A false analogy

  The argument is based on a false analogy.

  Even though there are some points of comparison between XX and YY,there are dissimilaritied as well.

  But the problem is that the two situation are not similar enough to justify the analogical deduction.

  As we know,the struction,system,operation are conspicously different.

  It’s a incomplete and selective comparison.

  Even though XX is proved fective in YYY,there is no guarantee that it will just work as well in ZZZ.

  4.A gratuitous assumption

  The argument is based on a gratuitous assumption that ####,which is,of course unwarranted.

  The arguer fails to convince us that....

  5.A false dilemma

  The arguer unfairly assumes that we must make an either/or choice between XX and YY.

  XX and YY are not necessarily mutually-exclusive alternatives.

  Adjusting XX and YY together might produce a better result.

  6.A hasty generalization

  We are informed that XXX,but we do not know whether all of ### prer ###.

  We can believe that XXX is indeed ###,but based on this slim information.

  We can never evaluate the overall performance of YYY.

  7.A fallacy of "after this ,therfore bacause of this"

  The arguer unfairly assumes that XXX caused YYY,since many other reasons

  may explain that###.

  Unless other possiblities have be considered and ruled out ,the conclusion

  is unconvicing.

  8.All things are equal.

  The arguer commits a fallacy of "all things are equal".

  The arguer assumes without justification that the background condtions have

  ramained the same at different time and different places.





新GRE issue写作方法解析


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