
2017-08-09 作者: 362阅读



  What most human beings really want to attain is not knowledge, but certainty. Gaining real knowledge requires taking risks and keeping the mind open¡ªbut most people prer to be reassured rather than to learn the complex and often unsettling truth about anything.

  Rewritten Sample Writing

  It seems that many people have formed an unrealistic picture of the relationship between certainty and knowledge or truth. I am always amazed when I hear people saying that neither learning nor keeping an open mind can attain certainty. As far as I am concerned, if seeking reassurance, people need to gain real knowledge and make it possible for them to require unceasing study and keeping an open mind.

  To begin with, only after people have gained real knowledge can they be competent for a better comprehension of the world. As is known to all, revolution in the long historical river, no one can ignore the fact that the process whose human has undergone from ignorance to civilization.

  The most convincing example is the &aposHeliocentric Theory" of Copernicus, whose theory overthrew the opinions dominated by Aristotle, Ptolemy and Christianity and his ideas have changed the process of human civilization. This, however, is not the first such revolution in astronomical history or even in other historical disciplines, and probably will not be the last one either.

  Furthermore, human being&aposs unremitting pursuit of knowledge is not for the sake of knowledge, but largely for the sake of their settled life goals and acquiring a degree of certainty about them.

  After all, in an increasingly competitive society, living requires people hold not only professional knowledge in which is concerned with their own field in the workplace, but also various other subjects. In fact, in the present society, many successful people tend to study hard to be knowledgeable. Therore, we can be convinced by this reason that knowledge is power and, it is important to arm oneself with it.

  Finally, the sustainable development of society requires human beings to study unceasingly and keep an open mind. Because we live in a information-explosion and an era of the rapid development of scientific technology, if we hope to keep up with the times,we need constant study and to renew our ideas for the appropriate situation of continuing the development of society. As we all know, it is never too late to learn.

  In conclusion, if to obtain certainty, people must gain real knowledge in order to have a better comprehension of the world and then acquire a positive understanding of their goals , then unceasing study and maintaining and open mind for adapting to the situation of the continuing development of society, is required.



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