
2017-08-09 作者: 213阅读



  小编整理如下: equal to; is the same as =

  the result is; yields; gives

  2.the sum of x and y; the total of x and y;

  x added to y; x increased by y; x+y

  x more then y; x greater than y

  3.x minus y; x less y;

  the difference of x and y; x take away y;

  from x subtract y&apos x decreased by y;  x-y

  x diminished by y; y is subtracted from x;

  y less than x (note the reversal)

  4. x multiplied by y;

  the product of x and y; xy

  5. divided by y;

  the quotient of x and y; x y,

  y divided into x (note the reversal)

  6. A and B are factors of C;

  A and B are divisors of C;

  C is divisible by A and by B; A B=C

  C is a multiple of A and of B;

  A divides C and B divides C;

  7. the ratio of a to b  a:b,

  8. reciprocal of x

  9. x times as many z as y;  z=x y

  10. a squared;

  a to the second power a2

  11. a cubed;  a3

  a to the third power

  12. between a and b   (a,b)

  between a and b, inclusive  [a,b]

  13. off  低于,从……中扣除

  14. account for  占

  15. third

  16. of x (a fraction of x); x,0.75x

  75% of x (a percent of x)



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