
2017-08-09 作者: 92阅读


  141. Though most dictionary have a system of making words as obsolete, or in use only as slang, many people, more especially if their use of a particular word has been challenged, are likely to conclude, if they find it in a dictionary, that it is accepted as being used by writers of established reputation.

  142. People can be relatively rich only if others are relatively poor, and since power is concentrated in the hands of the rich, public policies will continue to rlect their interests rather than those of the poor.

  143. Social change is more likely to occur in societies where there is a mixture of different kinds of people than in societies where people are similar in many ways.

  144. In a family where the roles of men and women are not sharply separated and where many household tasks are shared to a greater or lesser extent, Notions of male superiority are hard to maintain.

  145. In such a home, the growing boy and girl learn to accept that equality more easily than did their parents and to prepare more fully for participation in a world characterized by co-operation rather than by the “battle of the sexes.”

  146. The family is a co-operative enterprise for which it is difficult to lay down rules, because each family, needs to work out its own ways for solving its own problems.

  147. Besides serving the indinite needs of its native speakers, English is a language in which some of important works in science, technology, and other fields are being produced, and not always by native speakers.

  148. And someone with a history of doing more rather than less will go into old age more cognitively sound than someone who has not had an active mind.

  149. Perfectionists struggle over little things at the cost of something larger they work toward.

  150. Men are naturally most impressed by diseases which have obvious signs, yet some of their worst enemies slowly approach them unnoticed.



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