2017-08-08 67阅读
1. It is possible to make specific complementary DNA&aposs (cDNA&aposs)that can serve as molecular probes to seek out the messenger RNA&aposs (mRNA&aposs)of the peptide hormones. If brain cells are making the hormones,the cells will contain these Mrna&aposS. If the products the brain cells make resemble the hormones but are not identical to them,then the cDNA&aposs should still bind to these mRNA&aposs,but should not bind as tightly as they would to mRNA&aposs for the true hormones. (4)
科学家可以制造出特异的(specific)互补DNA&aposs(cDNA&aposs),以此作为分子探子(molecular probe),探觅出肽激素的信使RNA&aposs(mRNA&aposs)。如果大脑正在制造着肽激素,则细胞就会含有这些信使RNA&aposs.假若细胞所制造的产品类似于肽激素但并非与这些肽激素全然相同,那么,互补cDNA&aposs应仍然和这些信使mDNA&aposs粘结的程度。含有这些mRNA&aposs的脑细胞然后就可以被分离开来,研究者可对其信使RNA&aposs进行解码,以确定它们的蛋白质产品究竟是什么,并确定这些蛋白质产品在何种程度上类似于真正的肽激素。
解释:与其他的难句不同的是,心上的英文不止一句。笔者之所以在本句中不设标志和翻译,是因为这三句话从结构和意思上来说并不难。然而很少有人能够真正的一次把这段话读清楚,原因在于两个容易混淆的单词cDNA&aposs和mRNA&aposs在文中交替出现,而且相互作用;再加上brain cell和hormones从中捣乱,更难读清楚原文的意思。原文的主要意思如下:可以用cDNA&aposs来探测mRNA&aposs。如果脑细胞产生了荷尔蒙,则其中必有mRNA&aposs意味着可用cDNA探测荷尔蒙。如果脑细胞制造的不是真荷尔蒙,则可以用cDNA&aposs与其中的mRNA&aposs附着的情况来确定此荷尔蒙的真假。
意群训练:It is possible to make specific complementary DNA&aposs (cDNA&aposs)that can serve as molecular probes to seek out the messenger RNA&aposs (mRNA&aposs)of the peptide hormones. If brain cells are making the hormones,the cells will contain these Mrna&aposS. If the products the brain cells make resemble the hormones but are not identical to them,then the cDNA&aposs should still bind to these mRNA&aposs,but should not bind as tightly as they would to mRNA&aposs for the true hormones.
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