
2017-08-08 作者: 38阅读


  1.Color-tinting of movies originally photographed in black-and-white is inappropriate.Hundreds of the original artistic choices would have been made differently had these movies been filmed in color.Lighting on the sets of these movies was arranged to make highlights and shadows look right in black-and-white.

  Which of the following claims, if substituted for the claim about the lighting of movie sets, would lend the same type of support to the argument above?

  (A) An important part of what gives these movies their identity is the result of the black-and-white format.

  (B) Color film would have better captured the film-makers&apos intentions.

  (C) Color film is superior to black-and-white film for making movies.

  (D) Makeup for the actors was applied so as to look best in black-and-white films.

  (E) The choice of black-and-white film over color film is entirely a matter of taste.

  2.In Borkland, university scholarship stipends worth $4.2 million were unclaimed last year because several scholarship programs attracted no applicants who met the programs&apos qualifying criteria.This is an egregious waste of funds in a country where thousands of promising students each year cannot afford tuition.Qualifying criteria for those scholarships, therore, should be revised.

  Which of the following, if true about Borkland, most strongly supports the conclusion drawn above?

  (A) Many scholarships are unclaimed not because their qualifying criteria are too restrictive but because the scholarship programs rarely announce the scholarships&apos availability.

  (B) Because of inflation, the stipends offered by certain scholarship programs now appear less attractive to potential applicants than they did when they were first offered.

  (C) A significant number of scholarship programs awarded all of their available scholarship stipends last year, yet most of those programs have very restrictive qualifying criteria.

  (D) Certain scholarship programs accept applications only from students enrolled in specific major fields of study, but Borkland&aposs universities no longer offer courses in the fields specified by many of those programs.

  (E) Several scholarship programs have found it impossible to revise their qualifying criteria without engaging in lengthy and costly legal proceedings.





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