


2017/08/08 11:12:15 编辑: 浏览次数:293 移动端


  palatable :: agreeable; pleasing to the taste

  palatial :: magnificent

  pallid :: pale; wan

  palpable :: tangible; easily perceptible

  paltry :: insignificant; petty

  parsimonious :: stingy; excessively frugal

  passive :: not active; acted upon

  pastoral :: rural

  patent :: open for the public to read; obvious

  pathetic :: causing sadness, compassion, pity; touching

  pecuniary :: pertaining to money

  pedantic :: showing off learning; bookish

  pell-mell :: in confusion; disorderly

  pellucid :: transparent; limpid; easy to understand

  pendant :: hanging down from something

  pendent :: suspended; jutting; pending

  penitent :: repentant

  pensive :: dreamily thoughtful; thoughtful with a hint of sadness

  penurious :: stingy; parsimonious

  peremptory :: demanding and leaving no choice

  perennial :: lasting

  perfidious :: basely false

  perforce :: of necessity

  perfunctory :: superficial; listless; not thorough

  peripatetic :: walking about; moving

  permeable :: porous; allowing passage through

  pernicious :: very destructive

  perpetual :: everlasting

  perspicacious :: having insight; penetrating; astute

  pert :: impertinent; forward

  pertinacious :: stubborn; persistent

  pertinent :: suitable; to the point

  perverse :: stubborn; intractable

  pervious :: penetrable

  pestilential :: causing plague; banul

  petulant :: touchy; peevish

  phlegmatic :: calm; not easily disturbed

  pied :: variegated; multicolored

  pious :: devout

  piquant :: pleasantly tart-tasting; stimulating

  piscatorial :: pertaining to fishing

  pithy :: concise; meaty

  placid :: peacul; calm

  plaintive :: mournful

  plauditory :: approving; applauding

  plebeian :: common; pertaining to the common people

  plenary :: complete; full

  plenipotentiary :: fully empowered

  plumb :: checking perpendicularity; vertical

  poignant :: keen; piercing; severe

  politic :: expedient; prudent; well devised

  polyglot :: speaking several languages

  portentous :: ominous; serious

  portly :: stately; stout

  posthumous :: after death

  potential :: expressing possibility; latent

  practicable :: feasible

  practical :: based on experience; usul

  pragmatic :: practical; concerned with practical values

  precarious :: uncertain; risky

  precedent :: preceding in time, rank, etc.

  precipitate :: headlong; rash

  precipitous :: steep

  precocious :: developed ahead of time

  predatory :: plundering

  preeminent :: outstanding; superior

  pratory :: introductory

  preposterous :: absurd; ridiculous

  pretentious :: ostentatious; ambitious

  prim :: very precise and formal; exceedingly proper

  primordial :: existing at the beginning of time; rudimentary

  pristine :: characteristic of earlier times; primitive; unspoiled

  privy :: secret; hidden; not public

  prodigal :: wastul; reckless with money

  prodigious :: marvelous; enormous

  profligate :: dissipated; wastul; licentious

  prolific :: abundantly fruitful

  prolix :: verbose; drawn out

  promiscuous :: mixed indiscriminately; haphazard; irregular

  prone :: inclined to; prostrate

  propitious :: favorable; kindly

  propulsive :: driving forward

  prosaic :: commonplace; dull

  provident :: displaying foresight; thrifty; preparing for emergencies

  prurient :: based on lascivious thoughts

  puerile :: childish

  pugnacious :: combative; disposed to fight

  puissant :: powerful; strong; potent

  pulmonary :: pertaining to the lungs

  punctilious :: laying stress on niceties of conduct or form; precise

  pungent :: stinging; caustic

  punitive :: punishing

  puny :: insignificant; tiny; weak

  pusillanimous :: cowardly; fainthearted

  putrid :: foul; rotten; decayed

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