
2017-08-08 作者: 28阅读


  diatribe: 诽谤; a bitter and abusive speech or writing

  1) a bitter, abusive denunciation

  2) a bitter and abusive speech or writing

  3) ironic or satirical criticism

  4) an abusive, bitter, ranting criticism or denouncing

  5) a critical or abusive speech or piece of writing

  6) violent verbal attack, tirade, malediction, obloquy, jeremiad, fulmination

  7) a bitter, sharply abusive denunciation, attack, or criticism

  8) a bitter or abusive speech

  9) a harsh denunciation

  10) bitter verbal attack

  11) an abusive, condemnatory speech

  Synonyms: harangue, invective, tiradediatribe <> verbal tribute, vocal tribute, encomium, laudatory piece of writing, laudatory speech获得更多gre考试咨询点击进入>>>>澳际免费咨询顾问或联系QQ客服:

  1) The writer peppers 它的作品with ____, 以至人们把她看得比实际的更____. (diatribe....censorious)

  2) 某人的___是如此的memorable, 以致于别人觉得他很____。(diatribe.....censorious)

  3) The feminist poet’s extremely explicit and witty diatribes against social convention were so thoroughly emulated by other writers that her idiosyncratic brand of rebellion eventually became the convention of her time.

  4) Fidel Castro is renowned for his long diatribes against the U.S. government.

  5. After taking in her boss’s long diatribe about her work, she simply quit.

  6) Diatribes tend to cause the listener to close his or her ears and mind after a short length of time.

  During the divorce hearings she delivered a diatribe full of the emotion pushing her away from her husband.

  The diatribe was directed towards a disrespectful supervisor.

  The speaker launched into a distribe against what he called "the evils of technology."



  【反】encomium(n 赞辞;称赞);eulogy(n 赞词;颂词);laudatory piece of writing(赞扬性的文章)



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