2017-08-08 283阅读
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earthy :unrined; coarse
ebullient : showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm
ecclesiastic :pertaining to the church
eerie : weird
fectual :ficient
feminate : having womanly traits
fete : worn out; exhausted; barren
florescent : flowering
fulgent : brilliantly radiant
fusive :pouring forth; gushing
egregious :gross; shocking
elegiacal : like an elegy; mournful
elusive : evasive; baffling; hard to grasp
elusory : tending to deceive expectations; elusive
emaciated :thin and wasted
eminent :high; lofty
enamored :in love
encomiastic : praising; eulogistic
ephemeral :short-lived; fleeting
equable : tranquil; steady; uniform
equivocal :doubtful; ambiguous
errant :wandering
erudite : learned; scholarly
esoteric : known only to the chosen few
estranged :separated
ethereal :light; heavenly; fine
ethnic : relating to races
eulogistic : praising
euphonious :pleasing in sound
evanescent :fleeting; vanishing
evasive :not frank; eluding
execrable : very bad
exemplary :serving as a model; outstanding
exiguous : small; minute
exorbitant : excessive
exotic :not native; strange
expeditiously :rapidly and ficiently
extant : still in existence
extemporaneous :not planned; impromptu
extraneous : not essential; external
extrinsic : external; not inherent; foreign
exuberant :abundant; fusive; lavish
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