
2017-08-08 作者: 177阅读


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  Tills are commonly classified according to the perceived process of deposition. However, it is increasingly recognised that this classification, which is mainly based on macroscopic field data, has severe limitations. At the same time the concept of the dorming glacier bed has become more realistic as a framework for discussing tills and their properties, and this (tectonic) concept is irreconcilable with the existing (depositional) till classification scheme. Over the last 20 years large thin sections have been used to study tills, which has provided new insights into the textural and structural properties of tills. These results have revolutionised till sedimentology as they show that, in the main, subglacial tills possess dormational characteristics. Depositional properties are rare. 21

  Based on this new insight the process of subglacial till formation is discussed in terms of glacier/ice sheet basal velocity, clay, water and carbonate content and the variability of these properties in space and time. The end result of this discussion is: till, the dorming glacier bed. To distinguish subglacial till from depositional sediments the term ‘tectomict’ is proposed. Within the single framework of subglacial till as the dorming glacier bed, many textural,structural and geomorphological features of till beds can be more clearly and coherentlyexplained and understood.



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