新GRE阅读机经:戏剧家 Lloyd Webber.

2017-08-08 作者: 52阅读

  下面是小编为大家整理的新GRE机经的阅读部分,这篇是关于“戏剧家 Lloyd Webber”的新GRE阅读机经,希望可以帮助各位考生打开阅读思路,提高新GRE阅读能力。


  A standard criticism of Lloyd Webber, especially from drama critics, is that his music is

  derivative—a gloss on his betters when it is not an outright tht. Since most drama critics are,

  to put it charitably, nonmusical, this is an odd criticism, and one that smacks of received

  opinion: "Puccini-esque" is a term one encounters often in criticism of Lloyd Webber&aposs music,


  but aside from "Growltiger&aposs Last Stand," which parodies the first-act love duet from Madama

  Butterfly, there is precious little Puccini in Cats.

  Indeed, Lloyd Webber has always been more highly regarded by music critics, who not only

  know the repertoire he is alleged to be pilfering, but also can place him correctly in a

  dramatic-operatic context. Far from being the love child of Puccini and Barry Manilow, as some

  would have it, Lloyd Webber is more correctly seen as a kind of latter-day Giacomo Meyerbeer,

  the king of the Paris Opera in the mid-19th century, whose name was synonymous with

  spectacle. But a little ignorance goes a long way, and with "Memory" the notion that Lloyd

  Webber is a secondhand pastiche artist—if not an outright plagiarist—got its start.

  This is partly Lloyd Webber&aposs own fault. His melodies sometimes skirt perilously close to

  earlier classical and Broadway sources, and while the showbiz axiom that "good writers borrow,

  great writers steal" may well apply, it is also true that some of his tunes, both large and small,

  evoke earlier sources. As drama critic John Simon wrote after the première of Phantom: "It&aposs

  not so much that Lloyd Webber lacks an ear for melody as that he has too much of a one for

  other people&aposs melodies.... I predict that Gershwin and Rodgers, let alone Puccini and Ravel

  (another of his magnets), have nothing to fear from him." Other critics have been less subtle:

  "Webber&aposs music isn&apost so painful to hear, if you don&apost mind its being so soiled from previous

  use," wrote Michael Feingold of the Village Voice.

  以上就是关于“戏剧家 Lloyd Webber”的新GRE阅读机经,希望能够帮助各位考生更好地备考新GRE。机经的作用是非常重要的,有很多机经会反复考到,大家可以进行认真阅读,从中推断出出题人的出题思路,总结出新GRE阅读的解题,做到杀G成功!


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