
2017-08-07 作者: 290阅读


  More and more people using mobile phone and computer to instead of letters. Will letter disappear completely? Agree or disagree? How important of letter writing you think are?

  Mobile phone and computer have filled the shoes of letters as primary means of communication in our life. Technology enables us to get in touch with each other with unparalleled speed and convenience. But as the oldest and one of the most cherished ways of communication, letter will maintain its presence people’s life instead of disappearing completely.

  Letters have a sense of personal touch, which is much less apparent in cell phone and computer communication. The reason is very simple. Letter writing takes considerably longer time than developing an email on a computer. After finishing a letter, people need to drop it in a mailbox or go to a post office to mail it. In modern time, the idea of spending more time on something indicates the importance attached to it. The recipient of a letter, therore, appreciates it more than answering a call or getting an email from a friend.

  We use letters to send printed or signed documents that could not be delivered by phone talk or computer. Under many business circumstances, contracts or business corespondents could be enclosed in a mail to the other party. In addition, letters correspondences are safer than communicating via phone or computer, both of which could be subjected to information interception by people with ill intention.

  Admittedly, the wide use of modern technology in communication has influenced the more traditional way of social contact and information exchange such as letter writing. Still due the uniqueness of letter, it will continue to exist in our life.

  In conclusion, mobile phone and computer have given people superior means of communication, but letter will not disappear completely because it is more personal, safer, and usul than other ways of communication.


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