
2017-08-07 作者: 180阅读


  The rate of young women crimes is rising in the current society. What are the causes and how to solve it?

  Juvenile delinquency is a very serious problem confronting us in modern society. At the same time, the rate of young women crimes spearheads very fast. Some sociologists and educationists show great concern about this problem. In this essay, I will find out the causes for this issue and explore some possible solutions.

  First of all, the rapid development of society and the changes of people&aposs value of the world account mainly for the issue. In the old days, women were confined to housework and baby-sitting, which barricaded women&aposs steps. Now, with the eye-catching development of economy, many young women go out to find a job, which renders them more opportunities to contact the outside world. As a consequence, young women are apt to be influenced by the malfeasance in the society.

  Secondly, the rise of criminal rate attributes to the lack of education of women. The prosperity and luxury in some metropolises are very attractive to some young women. Some of them leave the countryside in the hope that they can make a good fortune in the cities, where they often find themselves disappointed for lack of good education or skills. Therore, some of them fell despaired and embark on the criminal road.

  The last factor is the over-description of violence on the media. TV is the most powerful medium, which transforms abundant information around the world. However, some programs are full of violence description, sexual alluring and bloody contents, which are easy to make young women astray.

  In order to solve the problem, people think up various solutions. From my point of view, I think the following are worth mentioning.

  On the one hand, the government should pay more attention to the problem and issue relevant laws to crack down young women crimes. Meanwhile, we should strengthen education and raise the quality of people, helping them set up a correct outlook of the world. Only when the government and the society join hands in solving the problem, will the rate of young women crimes fall down. (334 words)



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