
2017-08-07 作者: 227阅读



  The alarming gaps between urban and rural areas in such arena as education facilities, the readiness to access to medical care, and living convenience spark a suggestion that the tyros in education business and medical care should work in countryside for a period of time. This suggestion is rather problematic.

  The most harmful thing in this suggestion is not the suggestion per se. Rather it is the motivations. The purpose of this proposal is clearly not to help those rural people. On the contrary, it is to provide the tyros with an opportunity to practice. This is clearly unfair because those who live in the rural areas are fundamentally equal to urban dwellers. Why do not give them the mature teachers and good doctors?

  In fact, the suggestion suffers logical drawbacks in reasoning. It is claimed to improve the conditions of rural areas. Its approach is to send the beginners or novices to work there. Clearly, it is assumed that the tyros are able to help. Nevertheless, this assumption is feeble and fragile. Compared with the experienced doctors and experts in teaching, novices are less competent. For instance, in the primary and secondary schools in the main land of China, beginners in teaching careers hinder the development of students and cause serious troubles in various aspects. Many students become victims. In case of hospital service or medical care, things would be more formidable.

  Clearly, it is harmful to ask beginners in teaching career and medical care to work in the rural areas where people virtually demand experts and professors.



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