
2017-08-07 作者: 260阅读



  TASK 2 习俗

  Some people think that visitors to other countries should adopt the local custom. Others think that the host country should welcome different cultures. Discuss both views and what&aposs your opinion?

  Rituals, rites, religions, and customs vary considerably from culture to culture and from country to country. But, should one adopt the local custom when subject to an alien culture? The seemingly simple question is virtually rather vexing in that the answer to which depends.

  Cultures are generally classified into two categories: folk culture and public culture. The former rers to a culture that emphasizes the personal relationships in settling affaires. In such a culture laws are eclipsed by custom and moral in the maintenance of social order. People pay even meticulous attention to the custom. Any break of the custom is considered as unacceptable as regicidal behavior or commitment of some felony. Thus when a visitor is in such a culture, it would be better for him or her to “Do As Romans Do When in Rome.” In a certain sense, to adopt the local custom is a way for an alien to survive.

  “Public culture” is coined to rer an ethnic group whose social order is maintained by legal instruments, although custom is emphasized. But custom in such a culture seldom remains the same for a relatively long time. Under such circumstance, it is usually unnecessary for a visitor to calculatedly follow the natives’ custom. Even the new comer preserves all his or her own custom or culture, it is safe for the visitor to do whatever he or she wants to do provided it is legal.

  Put it simply, in a public culture it is unnecessary to adopt the local new custom. But in a folk culture, to follow the local custom is a must.



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