
2017-08-07 作者: 251阅读



  命题涉及的两个论点:A- 老师; B – 父母

  1. AB一定是冲突的吗?

  2. 什么是儿童教育?包含哪些具体的方面?

  l 身体健康——饮食、睡眠、运动

  l 德行——对他人、社会、

  l 知识——自然知识,艺术知识,人文知识


  Childhood rers to the period of time in human life span between the end of infancy when the acquisition of language starts and the beginning of adolescence at about the age of 12 or 13 years old. Child education consists of the education of child personality, perceptual capability, emotional health, and the construction of a systematic knowledge fabric. At the early childhood (between 2 and 7 years old), the main responsibility of child education is of parents, while at young childhood (between 7 and 12) teachers should be responsible for child development.

  At the early childhood, it is parents who tell them how to eat and what to eat, how to speak and what to say. Parents also shape their emotional and value structure. For instance, if a boy makes a mistake, his father usually teaches him what a man should be. Another responsibility of parents during this period is to educate children how to deal with others in the society. This is virtually an indispensable ingredient of primitive socialization of the children.

  At the later childhood (from 7 years old to 12 when puberty begins), the main responsibility of child education is shouldered by teachers. This is easy to understand. World widely, children at this stage spend most of their time in schools interacting with teachers and other children. Teachers impart knowledge to children and influence child moral development through their speech and behavior in the routine life. Teachers also organize various sports for children, contributing to the development of child competition and cooperation.

  To sum up, both parents and teachers are crucial in child education. At different time, the functions of them are different.



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