
2017-08-07 作者: 326阅读


  100107 咨询You have applied a course to a college in Australia, but you still have not received the reply. Write a letter to state:

  (1) the details of the course;

  (2) why you choose the course;

  (3) why you need the reply soon.

  100123 投诉The telephone company has mailed the telephone bill to the wrong address. Write to the telephone company, you should:

  1. tell them how you find the problem out.

  2. what problems caused you by not receiving the phone bill

  3. tell them what you want them to do

  100211 解释You will leave the country you are living now and go back to your home country soon. Write a letter to your sports centre team mates to say goodbye. In your letter, you should say:

  1). why you have to go back to your home country;

  2). what you enjoyed with them in sports centre;

  3). when and how will you meet them again.

  100220 解释Your English teacher who taught you several years ago have invited you to have a meal at his house but you can not go.

  (1) explain the reason that you cannot go

  (2) suggest next arrangement

  (3) tell him about yourself and your improvement in English learning

  100306 申请You would like to work overseas, write a letter to a job agent company, tell it:

  a) what job you would like to apply

  b) what companies are you looking for

  c) why do you want to work overseas

  100320 投诉 You have just finished a trip booked from an travel agency, but you are not satisfied with it. Write a letter to the travel agent. In your letter, you should say:

  1). why you felt so unhappy;

  2). what happened;

  3). make some recommendations about What the travel agent should do about it.

  100410 解释 You will hold regular social meetings for people of different nationalities in your area, so write a letter to the editor in your local newspaper, describe

  1) why you hold the meetings

  2) possible activities

  3) when and where it will be held and when the first meeting will be

  100417 投诉 You have rented an apartment recently, but some of the furniture in it is found not at work. Write a letter to landlord:

  (1) describe the details of the problem;

  (2) what problems does this cause to your family;

  (3) ask for possible solutions.

  100508投诉 You have finished a training course, and write a letter with feedback to the organizer. In your letter, you should include:

  1). the detail of the course;

  2). what you enjoyed from the course;

  3). suggestion about what can be improved.

  100520 感谢 Your friend invited you go to her or his country to travel. Please write back to say:

  1). What was your feeling when first received the letter

  2). When you can go

  3). What activities you plan to do in her or his country.

  100605 投诉 You went to see a good film but you cannot enjoy it because some problems in the cinema. Write a letter to the cinema manager. You should say:

  1 what and when you watch

  2 what problem you experienced in the cinema

  3 tell the manage what should do

  100626 感谢 You have just finished a short-term course in an English speaking country, write a letter to the teacher to thank her, tell her:

  a) why you want to thank her

  b) what is your plan next




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