雅思写作话题范文之children’s spare time.

2017-08-07 作者: 249阅读


雅思写作话题范文之traditional values

雅思写作话题范文之subjects taught in school



  You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

  Some people believe that children should engage in educational pursuits in their spare time, otherwise they are wasting their time. Do you agree or disagree?

  You should write at least 250 words.

  You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

  Many parents regretfully observe that their kids seem unable to come up with anything to do in their spare time besides turning on the TV or playing video games. I agree that children should make the best use of their spare time, and therore educational programs should be their first choice when they are free.

  The first reason is that educational activities, if properly planned and carried out, play a fundamental role in building children’s characters. Children are in the process of forming their outlook of the outside world as of themselves. By engaging in educational pursuits in their spare time, they have the opportunity to develop themselves, to enlarge their horizons and to discover the pleasure of doing things in a creative way. Educational activities may also help children to learn and develop the skills of gaining fulfillment from doing things.

  The second factor is that educational activities also help children to learn and develop the skills. What is the main task of children? It is not only playing but also learning. Almost all the parents do not wish their children can only watch TV after they grow up. Children themselves also hope they can contribute to the world and the people when they enter the society. Therore, it is important for children to do meaningful and valuable things in their spare time such as reading and studying.

  At the same time, the problem with pursuits such as watching TV and playing video games, although entertaining, is that they do not contribute to children’s exploration of either themselves or the outside world in the process of their growing up. They do not require children to use any of their imagination or creativity. What is more, they are harmful to children’s intellectual development. The children tend to be satisfied with being couch potatoes, happily watching the screen all the time.

  To sum up, it is wise for children to discover the joy of doing educational things when they are not otherwise engaged. They will find that experience of searching and understanding is both usul and thoroughly satisfying as well as being the basis of many skills applicable to both academic and non-academic tasks. (363 words)



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