
2017-08-07 作者: 211阅读



  Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment; only governments and large companies can make a difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


  Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about environmental protection and regard it as one of the most important challenges. However, whether only governments and big firms have resources and powers to preserve our environment is a controversial issue. My view is that every single citizen could also make a huge difference.

  In the first place, it is clear that it is human activities that have the greatest impact throughout the history. Both environment contamination and conservation are the long-term process, and no single government or big company can meet this challenge alone. So whoever created the problem should be responsible for solving it; environment protection needs every one of us to continuously participate in.获得更多雅思考试咨询点击进入>>>>澳际免费咨询顾问或联系QQ客服:

  Moreover, the public’s wills and behaviors have critical influence on government’s policies and companies’ strategies. For example, if everyone says “no” to plastic shopping bags and paper cups, the companies that manufacture such products will switch to environmental-friendly substitutes in order to survive in the market.

  However, that is not to say that governments and large companies cannot positively contribute. Indeed, governments can enact laws and introduce programs to raise the public’s low-carbon awareness; companies can promote green products to change the public’s consuming habits. But they also need every citizen’s appreciation and support to bring good results.

  In sum, no fort is too small when we are protecting the environment. Meanwhile, local authorities and organizations must shoulder their responsibility to develop low-carbon economy at the macro level. Only by doing so can we assure that we could hand this beautiful planet to our next generation and the next generation after.



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