
2017-08-07 作者: 251阅读


  IELTS Writing Task 2: 24/7 C-Shops

  Saudi Arabia and Sri Lanka, January, 2012

  >Many shops work 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Some people see it as a good idea, while others don&apost. Compare different views of customers, shop workers and the whole society of this subject and give your opinion.

  Example essay:

  In some countries, the existence of many 24/7 stores benits all kinds of people--customers, workers and perhaps criminals. The idea is to meet the changing demands of increasingly convenience-oriented society and create jobs for shop workers, but during wee hours convenience shops are particularly vulnerable to crimes. Trusting that security cameras and police patrol can help prevent robbery and shoplifting to great extent, business goes as usual day and night.

  As many busy cities and towns never really sleep, modern people consider that a store being open 24 hours near the corner is a good idea. Customers enjoy the convenience so much that they do not care about price. Usually, convenience stores are more expensive than regular supermarkets, which they make up for by existing at more locations and having shorter cashier lines. There are daily newspapers, drinks, confectionery, tobacco and beer, and snack foods in variety as well as other products and services available for customers at any hour. To satisfy the needs of customers in high-density residential neighborhoods, some household names like 7-Eleven have already become 24/7, and the society in general would prer to see it that way.

  Although the nature of the business makes it very convenient for customers, unfortunately this business style also makes it an attractive target for robbers and other criminals, putting customers and employees in possible danger. For this reason, shop workers are particlarly worried about working night shifts. More experienced employees realize that C-stores are the ideal practice ground for most thieves and burglars who start with shoplifting, and if not stopped, it can escalate to fatal attacks. It is understandable that most local law enforcement agencies regard C-stores as a nuisance and ruse to accept why these mini-markets have to be open 24 hours a day. Even though security cameras help to combat criminal cases by capturing intruders&apos identities and facial features, shop employees on duty simply cannot be too carul.

  After all, the 24/7 business schedule will continue because the advantages of convenience shops outweighs occasional security concerns. The modern living styles may justify the existence of some corner stores being open 24 hours a day in the society. Neither customers nor shop workers nor, of course, deliquents would like to see it otherwise.







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