
2017-08-07 作者: 229阅读


  Nowdays, there is a growing tendency for people to do sth.

  These days more and more people find that…

  There is a growing awareness over…

  It is a common sense that…

  There is a common beli that…

  It is not uncommon for people to do sth.

  Nowdays, there is a heated discussion as to whether or not the relationship between family members is as close as bore.

  There has long been a debate about whether the old people should be forced to retire from their work at the age of 60 or 65, regardless of their own wishes.

  A debate often heard these days is that…

  A much debated issue these days is…

  The debate about… is one that has been going on for centuries. (long-lasting)

  The issue of … is a complex and sensitive one.

  It is an inescapable problem that…

  …The question is , is the price worth paying?

  …seems to be an inceasingly widespread problem and I think … is/ are prbably responsible for that.

  Altough it is not a particularly widely discussed topic , there has been some dicussion about the idea of …

  A large number of people shoule hold the idea that…

  A great many people should argue that…

  A large number of people have begun to question…

  Many other insist that…

  They emphasize that…

  It means so many different things to different people.

  It varies from people to people.

  Different people hold different opinions about…

  Different people have different understanding on…

  This essay will show some reasons of argument for and qrgument against.

  In this essay, I’d like to explore this issue from both perspectives.

  It is necessary to look at this isusse on both sides bore giving my opinion.

  The following passage will present the pros and cons of it, along with my personal veiws.

  In this essay I will give the explaination for that phenomenon, along with my suggestion to solve the issue.

  In this issus I will argue that…

  In my opinion, this commom and serious issue is a indication of the wide gap between these students’ unrealistic vision of school life and the disappointing reality.



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