Part 2话题参考答案——An Ideal Home.

2017-08-07 作者: 324阅读

  Describe the ideal home that you would like to live in.

  You should say:

  where it would be ①

  what type of house it would be ②

  how you would decorate it ③

  and explain what why you would like to live in this kind of home ④


  An Ideal Home

  ① Speaking of the ideal home that I would like to live in... Err... It must be in suburban area, far away from the noise, hustle & bustle of the outside world.

  ② Flat, Terraced, Detached or Semi-detached, whatever type of house it would be as I don&apost really care. It must be spacious & bright, this is what I focus on. I hate being in a dark cramped room with a low ceiling, I will be hyperventilating.

  ③ I would love to decorate my house lovingly, as well as casual. I&aposd like to put lots of posters into a picture frame to hang on a wall, and I&aposd also like to put some hooks up and lay musical instruments across the hooks.

  ④ It&aposd be quiet, comfortable and private, like a cozy heaven. The blue walls make me think of the calming vast seas that relax me. The base boards and shutters are white which remind me of the pure white clouds in the sky. The white in my room helps me to have pure and clean thoughts. Soft muted colours of the walls and bright colors of the accents make me feel creative and safe. To live in such an ideal house, I feel totally relaxed.

  Lexical Resource:

  suburban area: 郊区

  hustle & bustle: 熙熙攘攘

  Terraced house: 连排别墅

  Detached house: 独立别墅

  Semi-detached: 半独立式别墅

  cramped: 狭小的

  hyperventilating: 呼吸急促的,喘不过来气的

  casual: 随意,不拘一格的

  cozy: 温馨的

  Soft muted colours: 暗色

  accents: 家居

  feel creative and safe: 感觉有创造力、安全

  totally relaxed: 彻底放松


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