
2017-08-07 作者: 233阅读



  P2 describe a family you like to stay with but not yours (Whose family it was, How you knew it, Where they lived, what you did)

  P3 should the young and the elder live together?

  What are the advantages of family members(e.g. young & old) living together? What about the disadvantages?

  What do old people and children do together?

  What about three generations living together?

  How can old families and new families get along with each other well?

  Have parents&apos attitude toward their children changed?

  Do you think children&aposs opinions will change in the future?

  Do children’s positions in family change? What is it?

  Is it good? Do they have strong concept of family?

  What is the advantage and disadvantage if parents do not have children?

  What is your opinion of not living with parents?

  Do you think children may have same ideas with their parents?

  Do you often stay with this family? What you did together?

  What do you often talk about?

  Why you like this family?

  另一种变形:P2 Describe a family you want to spend time with(who are in the family, what are they interest in)

  P3 Is it very common that three generations are living together?

  Do they have conflicts? Why?

  Do parents notice that they should give children more freedom?


  P2 Describe a person you helped (Whom you helped, What help you gave, Why you helped him/her, and explain how you felt after you helped him/her)

  P3 Do you think children should help others?

  Why children should help others?

  Do you think we need to teach children to help others?

  What they could learn from adults?

  How can parents and teachers educate children to help others?

  Why parents have to pay teachers?

  If they help others from early age, what kind of relationship they will have with their classmates? Why so many people prer to be doctors?

  Is it because of the high salary?

  What is the reason that movie stars earn more than nurses?

  What is the motivation/purpose of helping others?

  Do you think everyone is born with the awareness to help people?

  Why some people do not help others?

������ 雅思口语考试是一个非常重视临场发挥的考试项目。2010年的雅思口语考试经典的试题虽然看上去都很平常,但是还是要求大家在自己熟悉的题目和熟悉的事物中发挥自己的真实水平,所以大家一定不能掉以轻心。


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