
2017-08-07 作者: 222阅读


  P2 Describe a new law (what it is, why it is helpful)P3 What law should be legislated to improve your hometown?

  P3 What law should be legislated to improve your hometown?

  Do you think it is easy to legislate and carry it out?

  Why the legislation is popular?

  Do you want to be a lawyer? Why?

  Why it is difficult to be a lawyer?

  What quality does it need to be a lawyer?

  Under what situation may people ask for lawyers’ help?

  What quality does it need to be a lawyer?

  Some people think lawyers are dishonest, what do you think?

  What is the function of law?

  Is it difficult for jobs which are related to laws?Do you think more women should join these jobs?

  How do the lawyers work?

  Do you think honesty is important to them?

  Do you think policemen are important?

  Do you think it is difficult to join the police?

  What ability should police officer have?

  What is the difference between policemen and policewomen?

  Who are more suitable for joining the police?

  If not, is it possible after they are trained?

  Do you think more women should join these jobs?

  Should policemen be armed with guns? Why? Why not in other countries?

  Should their guns be canceled?

  Is there any law which needs international cooperation?

  Do you think women are suitable for joining police?Do you think it is difficult to join the police?

  If not, is it possible after they are trained?

  Why policemen in some countries are armed with guns? Why in other countries not?

  Should their guns be canceled?

������ 雅思口语考试是一个非常重视临场发挥的考试项目。2010年的雅思口语考试经典的试题虽然看上去都很平常,但是还是要求大家在自己熟悉的题目和熟悉的事物中发挥自己的真实水平,所以大家一定不能掉以轻心。


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