雅思口语高分范文之person admired.

2017-08-07 作者: 303阅读


  Describe a famous person that you admire

  I would like to talk about the late Mr. Qian Xuesen. He was honored the father of rockets and missiles in China, coz he had made great contributions to the development of modernization, especially in the field of aerospace and national dense. It was in the history class when I was a pupil that I learned of him. From then on, he became a hero in my heart. Well, you see, when the People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949, our motherland needed plenty of talented people to afford the burden of construction. Under this circumstance, Qian Xuesen immediately made up his mind to come back to devote what he had learnt abroad to the construction of new China. But American made every fort to prevent him going back, and provide him with a lot of material conditions, so as to persuade him to remain in America. Due to his determination, he tried his best and finally succeeds in coming back, and made much contribution to the research on rockets and missiles.



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