
2017-08-07 作者: 300阅读


  1. Describe your living place

  My ideal house is one located in the countryside. I want to live close to nature, because I can enjoy fresh air and feel relaxed on weekends. I want it to be a two-storey house built on a green-covered mountain, facing a blue lake. A path lined by bushes and flowers leads the way to the front door. And around the house there are apple and cherry trees. I really care about my bedroom, where I am going put in a king size bed. The sitting room was on the second floor with a balcony facing the sea. I fancied that house at the first sight, and it was the one I had been dreaming of.

  2. Describe your study room

  In my home, my prerable room is the study room. I painted my study room in light green which is seen as good to eyesight. I use a red carpet to decorate the floor, because red is my favourite colour. It represents passion and youth. At one corner, there is a piano. In my spare time, I always like to play it and rresh myself. A bookcase made in wood is placed right beside the piano. I put nearly 200 books on the shelf in the order of alphabetical order. By reading them every night, I have greatly enhanced my knowledge. As well as reading books, I’d like to play some light music with m stereo which is put on the floor directly. I have a three-dimensional CD rack sent by my friend. It can take as many as 100 CDs, I especially enjoy picking up new CDs from the CD shop to cram it. Now, I have nearly 80 CDs. Well, that’s my study room, not very large but gentle indeed.



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