雅思口语高分范文之a restaurant.

2017-08-07 作者: 326阅读

  下面是一篇关于a restaurant的雅思口语高分范文。这篇雅思口语范文是描述了一个饭馆,这样的题目在雅思口语考试中非常常见,大家在准备像这样的关于地点的题目的时候可以参考下面的雅思口语范文内容。

  Describe a restaurant

  My favourite restaurant is named Jiulong, which is located in the heart of downtown Wuchang.

  Since it is not very far from my home, my family usually goes there for special dishes. Honestly speaking, I have a great affection for Chinese traditional dishes. And the restaurant is famous for Chinese traditional dishes. Among them, I admire well-done duck with bean sauce best. Every time I dine there, I will taste it. It looks inviting, smells rreshing, tastes bitter first, sour later, then a little salty, and a unique spiciness remains at last.

  Although the Chinese traditional dishes is a little expensive in Jiulong, the price of the other dishes served in the restaurant is much lower than other restaurant. That is why many people dinning there. The waiters and waitress are quite responsible and very friendly, which will make you feel comfortable and ease. As to the reason why I like this restaurant most, I will say the price is quite reasonable. Besides, the taste and the quality of service is excellent.

  以上就是关于a restaurant的雅思口语高分范文的全部内容,大家可以看到,这篇雅思口语范文描述了两个重点,一个是喜欢的菜,另一个是店里的服务员,有所重点的描述和以往大家在描写一个地点的时候应用的空间描述不同,但是这两个重点就是整个地点在大家心里的形象生动起来了,所以这也是一个非常实用的方法。


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