雅思口语高分范文之an international famous person.

2017-08-07 作者: 305阅读


  Describe an international famous person

  Well, you know, there are so many people in the world that are famous. Some are famous because they are successful in their fields, such as some artists, musicians, singers, scientists, businessman and so on.. However, other people are famous because of their luck or even because they have done something bad to this world. Here, I would like to talk about a famous person, Cameron, a director in the USA.

  Cameron is not a very productive director, but once his film is produced, it would be a masterpiece, such as the Titanic and Avatar. His films were so famous, that being an American; he is even known by millions and millions of Chinese.

  Cameron is famous because he has the talent. He is so creative, and brave, choosy and persistent. He is creative because his work will always surpass the others and leave very deep impression on us, he is brave because he dares to invest huge sum of money bore the film is issued, he is choosy because he is particular about every detail in his work and in his production of movies, he is persistent because once he sets up a goal, he will stick to it without considering whether it will be successful or not. Because of this, his film, the Titanic, set a record by winning 8 prizes in Oscar, and this time, even when the film avatar is still on show, and I believe, he will win the next Oscar.

  I started to know Cameron from his films, but later I am interested in this person, and I tried to read anything that I can find about him on the Internet. He really inspired me a lot.

  He is famous. He is successful .He is my idol。







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