雅思口语话题范文:a person good at cooking.

2017-08-07 作者: 311阅读


  下面澳际小编为大家整理了雅思口语范文:a person good at cooking ,还是比较典型的。

  a person good at cooking

  To talk about a person who is good at cooking, I think there is no one else but my mom. She is the best cook I have ever seen. my family and I all like her cooking very much.

  My mum is a popular and well-respected Chinese teacher in a middle school. She is in her 40’s now. she is neither too tall nor too short, just medium built, like a normal local woman, but with beautiful feature and fashionable clothes.

  Though most of the time she is busy with her lessons and students, my mum still enjoys cooking for us in her spare time. Everyday after school, she buys vegetables and meats in the market near the school and brings them home and cooks them for us. Her cooking is always different, which gives us surprise, as well as nutrition. My father and I will help her in the kitchen sometimes, and the happiest time of my family is always dinner time. We can taste delicious food and share each other the interesting things of the day.

  My mum’s favorite dish is scrambled eggs with tomatoes, which is the best one I have ever tasted.

  That is all I want to say about this.



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