
2017-08-07 作者: 396阅读



  1. Do many people in China have their own garden? (中国,有些人有自己的花园。有些住楼房的人却没有。无论如何我们都可以回答这个问题。用Direct Answer + Details就可以)

  Yes. Many home owners landscapetheir yards & even grow their own vegetables & herbs as well as fruits.

  Almost everyone grows something. If they don't have a home with land, they may have window boxes on their flat windows or a terrace or rooftopin which they use containers to "garden".

  They may have a collection of foliageor flowering houseplants strewn around their home. There are those who use stands to "garden".

  2. If someone has a private garden in China, do they usually prer to grow flowers or vegetables? (Direct Anser + Reason)

  Doesn't it depend on the person? I grow flowers in the front and tomatoes in the back of the house. Most of us grow our vegetables in the back yard because it's more attractiveto plant the decorative flowers in the front.

  3. Do Chinese people like growing flowers? (Direct Answer + Reason)

  It looks beautiful and smells nice.

  It can beautify our life.

  It can brighten up a room.

  It puts me in a good mood.

  4. Do you like growing flowers. (Direct Answer + examples or Direct Answer + Reason)

  Yes + example:

  Yes. I like growing flowers. Especiallylily, it stands for purity.

  Yes, I'm crazy about growing flowers. I'm fond of peony, it represents prosperity & fortune. (wealth)

  No + Reason:

  I'm a little strange. Flowers remind me of funerals. I hate them.

  Nope. I'm allergic to flowers.

  Well, not really. Actually, I like flowers in their natrual environment.

  5. Have you ever grown anything, in a garden, or possibly in a flower pot? (Direct Answer + examples)

  I have a mix of annuals, perennialsand flowering shrubs.

  Yes, I used to plant...Fruits, veggies, Foliage, Houseplants, bulbs…

  6. What benits do people get from gardens or from gardening? (这样的问题就是在讨论Advantage,给出一些好处就可以了,类似于之前说到的"What benit do children gain by learning music?" 依旧是Direct Answer + examples)

  you get to eat fresh organic veggies which are really good for you.

  and you get to spend time outside taking care of the plants and watch them grow and harvest their vegetable.

  Learning to be patient

  It's therapeutic, like stress reducer, & it's relaxing - rewarding - you create something all on your own and it becomes a passion.

  Lexical Resource 词汇:

  Better not 2 use extremely plain words on ths topic if u r needing 6.5 or above!


  landscape: 美化……的景观

  herbs: 药草

  strewn: 播种

  prosperity & fortune: 富贵

  window boxes: 窗台上的花盆箱,窗欄花盆。(如上图所示)

  stands: 架子

  foliage: 绿叶植物

  annuals: 一年生植物(如鸡冠花,牵牛花)

  perennials: 多年生植物(如荷花,仙人掌)

  shrubs: 灌木

  veggies: 蔬菜 Vegetables的口语形式。

  Houseplants: 盆栽

  bulbs: 球茎植物(如水仙,郁金香,百合)

  organic: 有机的

  harvest: 收获

  therapeutic: 疗伤的,有治疗作用的。


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