胡敏 读故事记单词3(adaptable-advisable).

2017-08-07 作者: 125阅读

  An adaptable administration

��� Last Advent our local Catholic Church adopted a new policy for dealing with teenagers struggling through adolescence. The new priest, originally from New York, addressed the issue that day in his sermon about adjusting our view to administer help to those young people who were helpless, without support and suffering during this difficult time of life. This would include dealing with drug addicts, young single mothers, and youth with disciplinary problems that most people simply wanted to avoid, It was admittedly a controversial talk, but his words spoke to us all and we all decided to be adaptable to trying something new for our community.

������The local catholic administration was more adverse to the concept. They did not want to have troublemakers adjacent to lonely widows, young children, orphans and others that the church was already adept at dealing with. The new priest gave his admission to this and promised to build a separate addition for the adolescents he would work with. He also agreed to adhere to all traditional administrative procedures and to submit to their ultimate authority.

������The adaptation to the Church’s focus was a great success. Troubled youth began coming in and out of the new building adjoining the Church with smiles on their faces and a renewed hope for life. And while it was advisable forthe priest to work with a team of volunteers, each adolescent began to see him as the father that they had never had. Lives were changed, needs were met, and attendance grew. The administration was very pleased.

������Tomorrow is Advent again. It has been One year since we changed our outlook and we have much to celebrate!


��� 上次降临节的时候,本地天主教堂采取了一项新政策帮助那些青春期有问题的青少年。新牧师来自纽约,在那天的布道当中谈到了这个问题,他让大家调整看法,给那些在这个困难时期无助、无援而且饱受痛苦的年轻人以帮助,其中包括帮助瘾君子、年轻的单身妈妈以及那些大部分人不愿理睬的不良少年。无可否认,牧师的这段话容易引起争议,但他的话引起了大家的兴趣,于是我们决定适应新形势,为社区建设做一些新的尝试。����

����� 我们这里的天主教管理部门对这个观念更加充满了敌意。他们不想让那些捣蛋鬼们邻近独守空房的寡妇、小孩子、孤儿以及其他人,因为教堂已经很擅长于照顾这些人。新牧师对此表示接受并且答应对教堂进行单独的扩建,供他开展帮助青少年的工作使用。他还同意遵守所有传统管理程序,服从他们的最高权威。

����� 对教堂工作重点的适应取得了巨大的成功。那些问题青年开始在田比连教堂的新建筑中进进出出,每个人脸上都带着微笑,对生活重新充满了希望。尽管牧师与一群志愿者们一起工作可能更明智一些,每个青少年都已经开始把他看成是他们不曾有过的父亲。生活得到了改变,需要得到了满足,来参加活动的人越来越多。教会管理部门对此非常满意。



  adaptable a.能适应新环境的,适应性强的;可改编的

  adaptation n.适应;改编(本);改制(物)

  addict v.使沉溺,使成瘾

  addition n.增加的人或物;(建筑物等的)扩建部分

  address v.1对...做正式讲话2对付,处理;满足(要求)

  adept a.擅长的,熟练的,内行的

  adhere v.粘附;坚持,内行的

  adjacent a.临近的;毗连的;前后接连的

  adjoin v.贴近,与...毗连,附加,使结合

  adjust v.1调整;整顿 2.调节;改变...以适应(to)

  administer v.1.掌管,料理...的事务,支配给予,投(药)

  administration n.1.管理,经营,支配 2.行政,行政机关;管理部门,政府 3.(药的)配给,处理(过程)

  administrative a.管理的,行政的,政府的;后方勤务的

  admission n.准许进入,承认,供认;入场券,入场费

  admittedly ad.公认的,无可否认地,诚然

  adolescence n.青春期,青春

  adolescent n.青少年 a.青春期的,青少年的

  adopt v.采用,采取;正式通过,批准;继承,收养

  Advent n.(基督教)降临节;(a-)9(尤指不寻常的事件、时期等的)出现,到来

  adverse a.敌对的,不友好的;不利的,有害的

  advisable a.可取的,适当的;明智的


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