2017-08-06 63阅读
下面是一篇关于juvenile delinquents也就是青少年犯罪的雅思写作高分范文,这篇雅思写作范文的主要内容是关于青少年犯罪数量正在上升,分析导致这种上升情况的原因,并给出一些可行的改进措施。下面是详细内容,供大家参考。
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task
There are an increasing number of juvenile delinquents. Analyze the possible causes that give rise to this phenomenon, and offer some feasible recommendations.
You should write at least 250 words. You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.
Reporters in newspapers or magazines show an increasing number of juvenile delinquents. To my mind, the causes of the worrying phenomenon are difficult to isolate.
First of all, it is partly attributed to the disorder and non-self-discipline of the media. In order to attract and hold more audience, sex and violence are used excessively in some TV show and films. They have great influence on the value system and behaviors of young people. Unable to distinguish between reality and fiction, some teenagers who view shows in which violence is very realistic, frequently repeated or unpunished, are prone to imitate what they see. Another factor leading to juvenile delinquents comes from the family. With the increasing of divorce rate, more and more teenagers live in single-parent or step families. Their particular needs may be ignored and hence feel hurt or isolated. In this condition they are susceptible to some negative influences from bad friends and commit crimes.
Finally, schools are also responsible for the increasing number of juvenile delinquents. Most schools put subjects relevant to examinations as a high place, but consider little about moral or law courses. It leads to the lack of law awareness among students. They do not even realize some illegal actions are against laws.
It is not easy to solve the problem immediately, which involves cooperation of the whole society. The government must take strict measures to control the media violence. The divorced couples should do their best to create a warm family for their children. As to school, it is important to pay more attention to the moral and law education of students. We hope juvenile delinquents will disappear under all the forts. (278 words)
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