2017-08-06 217阅读
How to deal with homesickness?
Some people like collecting old things such as newspaper. someone throw things away after they used it.
【名词解释】exposure behavior,是说鼓励儿童反复做他们害怕的事,然后建立自信,最终克服恐惧。【教授举例】听力中教授用它自己儿子Tommy 的例子,说他们家搬到LA,Tommy原来不敢和新小朋友玩,只敢趴窗上看,后来教授借买冰淇凌之机鼓励他向小朋友们问好,回来又问一次(两次间儿子表现已有所不同),回来后儿子甚至主动要求出去和他们一起骑车,最终,Tommy 和其他小朋友过上了幸福的日子。
男生在spring break要去西班牙玩,准备拍照,但是数码相机丢了,女生让他买,但是他说没有enough money,他自己说他朋友可以借给他,但是他不想用,女生说:对,万一 broken或者stolen就不好了。
吃饭的问题。男生暑假留在学校,因为要帮 professor 干活,于是在外面租了一间房子。but he doesn't have access to the kitchen.有个 friend住在附近,他可以去他那儿做饭。女生建议他可以去学校的cafeteria,有meal plan,不是很贵,一天三顿。男生觉得有点远。
Task 1:
Describe how cellphones change people’s lives.
Task 2:
Some people prer to go to the same place for a vacation. Others prer to go to different places and spend less time at each place.更喜欢哪个?
Task 3:
通知: the school is planning to prohibit students ride bicycles on campus because there could be accidents. Instead, the school would provide free bus service.
听力: 女生反对
Reason 1: 事故都是晚上发生的,白天很安全
Reason 2: Bus 一小时才来一班,太浪费时间
Task 4:
阅读Test Customer: in order to see whether employee’s performance, the employer might hire a ‘customer’ that makes purchases in the store just like regular customers do, then the hired‘customer’ reports to the employer about the employee’s performance.
听力:一个餐厅的 manager找一个人当 test customer,来测试员工的服务是否到位。
Talk about two singers or musicians and the difference between them
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement, artists and musicians areimportant to our society.
【听力】女同学反对,因为 1、很多同学白天有课,但晚上有时间来咖啡厅聚会。
【阅读部分】:记忆心理学。轨迹法(method of loci)。借助轨迹法按顺序 image 记忆东西的方法。选的东西要 vivid,更好记。
【听力部分】:教授举了个记 names of planets 的例子。记 names of planets 时可把每一个行星的名字当作一个去 student center 路上的标志去记忆:比如你要 from yourdorm to student center. The first thing you see is the front door, then the tree, thenthe status in front of library then the building。再一一对应,比如 to memorize namesof planets in solar system, make Mercury as front door, Venus as tree etc。当考试时你就 do the same thing,用这些 door, tree 帮助自己回忆起相应的names。
【学生困难】女生有一个问题:要做一个 project about film class,今天要拍但是有雨,而且还有两天截至日期。
【解决方案】1)可以转向 building 用这里的 scenes。2)可能明天拍,因为明天weather becoming better, 但是问题是明天她需要编辑,并要完成这个 project, 没有时间。
深海鱼类 fish can make electric current and they can benit from it in 2 ways:
用途1、用电流 capture 小鱼,从而获得 food。举例:eel can produce strong currencyto shock and paralyze small fish,and then eat it。用途2、用电流自卫、逃避危险。
举例:一种叫做 knife fish 的鱼。这种鱼利用其身体产生的 electric current field 去explore the dark environment。If there is a rock nearby the it,the current field willchange. So the knife fish can sense it and avoiding crashing into the rock。
task 1 : Talk about an activity you enjoyed doing with your family when you were a child
task2, is it more enjoyable to participate in an activity or watch others play?你愿意参与sports,还是看别人play
task3 : letters: no sports on dining hall lawn 1, 女生认为 dining hall lawn is in the central place; everyone is busy and want to walk through the lawn; 所以即使在草坪上不踢球,不运动也不会make lawn look nicer; 2, 女生认为everyone wants to play sports during the 15 minutes between classes or play sports after lunch but bore afternoon’s class; if people need to walk a long way to other places, It takes a lot of time;
task4: 是讲evalue employee的说要test customer来评价职员,举了一个resteraunt manager的例子说他要评估waiter和waiteress。但叫专门的人来看他们work他们会过分表现良好后来他又hiring a man become customer,然后再向他汇报员工表现。
task5: 男同志崴脚了,温柔的女孩说我陪你看病,但是男孩不想错过review lesson,要么就先去上课,明早再去,女孩继续温柔的说明天更严重了可怎么办。
task 6: 讲猴子在树上,但是在那里,水只能在地底下得到。那么猴子是怎么得到水然后支撑生活的。第一个是absorb moisture from food,讲了一个什么hobe的猴子,它们吃的嫩叶子里面包含了水分,所以它们不用吃水也没有问题。第二个是喝雨水,一个called spider猴子的,它们用cup like plant来Link在树上,当有水的时候就用那个cup like plant来接水喝。
Task 1
Task 2
Agree or disagree : people live healthier lives now than they did 100 years ago?
Task 3
学校要建个休息室给不住学校的学生用,可以放书,有locker,放一些bus schedule。男生不同意一:住学校的同学也需要,因为宿舍很远。图书馆已经有locker,不需要再建。二:没必要专门为放bus schedule建休息室,网上电话都可以查。
Task 4
例子:如果一个男生,上车并且打开notebook 然后写东西:
一个女人早上遇到大学同学,就回想起大学生活。所以她认为这个男生是学生并且在work for classes 或work for due paper
Task 5
问题是女生要忙play又要忙course。导致她成缋差了。解决办法1、drop out of play,但是play对于她来说不只是为了fun,更多是为了education;解决方法2、reduce the class,她可以下学期再学但是课程还有3个星期就结束了,她以前学的也就浪费了。
Task 6
Biology class鱼的特殊技能 some fish can make electric current and they can benit. 1) For survival 如电鳗eel capture the prey 2) For sight in the dark如 深海中knife fish释放电波避免撞到石头使自己受伤。
Task1:What type of music do you enjoy most? Explain why
Task2: Should the government spend money on projects which can encourage its citizens to lead a healthier lifestyle?
A student proposal suggests the university creating a lunge for commuter students.学生可以放书,有locker,放一些 bus schedule。Boy 说没必要,因为不只是 commuter students,大部分学生的dorm也很远,他们也随身带着所有要用的东西,而且 commuters 学生不用去 lunge 看 bus schedule 什么的,他们可以用电脑上网到 station website获取schedule
Reading:Anticipated emotion Listening:professor自己的例子。一次给他 sister过生日,要买礼物。但是到了商场一逛,看上了一件jacket,如果买了这件jacket就没有那么多钱给sister 买礼物了,所以就买了一个 smaller and cheaper 的礼物送给sister。后来回想了一下,feel guilt,最后把jacket退了,给sister 买了个better present。
讲eggs communication bore hatched对他们survival的重要性,一是宝宝之间的交流:保证每个蛋同时孵化,所以每个鸭子宝宝不会被妈妈 lt over ,不被lt behind,二是 baby与妈妈之间的交流,让他们的妈妈能够发现他们,举了鳄鱼的例子,鳄鱼的卵被heavy mugscover着,要被他们的妈妈发现才能存活下去。
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