
2017-08-06 作者: 229阅读




  第一篇 Poisonous Insects and the Birds that Eat them

  大意:本片文章一共四段。首段提出为什么这种poisonous的insects只有在被鸟swallowed的时候才能毒死鸟,原因就是鸟吃了这种insects就会记住,以后就不再吃了,所以以这种方式保护了insects,举得例子是一种monarch butterfly。


  第三段讲了一个实验,给鸟喂同一种insects,前者没有毒,后者有毒,鸟在吃了有毒的之后就再也不会去吃这种 monarch了。

  最后一段,总结了一下,monarch通过这种方式让自己的gene得以保存,鸟也会记住不去吃这种poisonous insects.

  词汇题:resolved, fortunately, seldom, excluded

  第二篇The Rise of Florence

  大意:本文一共四段,首段说了欧洲很多的城市都发展的很好,比如Venice等,都是因为他们的manufacture做的比较好。Florence 作为一个late starter, 不仅是因为它在manufacture, commerce and trade上有所发展,它主要有两点revolutions第二段讲了第一个revolution,即entrepreneur, 这些企业家雇佣有经验的人来run the business。

  第三段说了另外一个revolution,就是banking system的发展。随后在第四段,文章说Florence在很久都没有一个在当地dominant的财团,最后在一个时期有两个family在当地特别有影响力

  词汇题:rival,decisive,mundane,barrier to

  第三篇Characteristics of Tropical Rain Forest

  大意:本文一共五段。第一段说了热带雨林浓密的植被canopy是most activities的产生的场所,因为高,人们很难去做研究,所以会训练猴子或者用气球去帮忙采样。


  第三段解释了多样性的原因,是因为在ice age的时候经历了干旱,所以导致森林退后,这样就把一个整片的森林分割开了,物种被isolated了所以形成了新的物种,后来forest又grow了,但是新的物种已经形成了。

  第四段解释了为什么rain forest 里面没有dominant的物种,是因为pathogens 和 herbivores阻碍了同一种树木连在一起,所以多样性高,但是没有dominant的species。

  最后一段说rain forest的土壤肥性较其他生态系统来讲,因为diversity很多,营养被held在surface of soil不会被rain wash out。


  Conversation 1


  学生说自己跟几个其他同学一样都是因为没有买到书,所以只能复印和借书。老师问他bookstore里面买不到吗,学生说现在在waiting list上,应该很快就能有书了。不用太担心,教授则表现的比较担忧,说会打电话到bookstore make sure they follow up。

  Lecture 1

  【考古学】早期人类migration是从Africa到Europe的,其中的一个考古的遗址就在俄罗斯的Konstenki site。从这个site里面挖掘出来的artifact能够dating back to ca 4000。在挖掘层的下方的layer是一个volcanic layer, 是在Italy爆发的一个火山留下的,这个eruption的年代应该在3800-4000。还提到了Aurignacian is the oldest component associated with modern humans at archaeological sites in Europe.

  Lecture 2



  现在我们也无法知道所有曾经存在过的恐龙是因为很多species不能不fossilization。提到化石化的困难,就是动物死后可能被eaten也可能decay,所以不好保存。尽管现在有DNA analyses,但是由于化石年代太久远所以DAN分析也不准确。

  Conversation 2

  【项目工作】学生到biology department去找教授讨论internship的事情,刚好教授不在,administrator就跟学生说了学生想要参加的项目,golden eagle project, 这个项目申请到了一些资金,资金主要用来做tracking tech和restore 生态环境了,所以没有办法给学生发钱,但是学生可以通过这个项目得到一个course credit。

  学生说这是一个不错的experience, 这个员工还建议学生去attend一个speaking of science的讲座,学生说会考虑。

  Lecture 3



  2.是因为在Indonesia发生了严重的火山爆发,导致大气层中的gas和dust 急剧上升,rlect了太阳光,所以导致地球严重寒冷。

  Lecture 4

  【艺术】讨论的主题是conceptualism,当时的conceptualism为了摆脱museum和gallery的控制,会去做一些nature为主的作品。这些作品有两个特征,1.在promoted area。2.大到没有办法放在museum里面。具体讲了一个叫做Spiral Jetty的作品的原料,创作方式和当时对他的评论。


  TASK 1:

  1.原题:Many students are asked to evaluate their professors at the end of the semester. What are the disadvantages and disadvantages of this?

  TASK 2:

  原题:Nowadays, people use extreme method, like surgery to change their appearance, they do this because they are trying to become more attractive. Do you think this is a good idea?

  TASK 3:

  标题:Ban the food carts on campus

  改变:one student suggest the school should ban the food carts on campus.


  1. Too much trash around the carts

  2. Sell unhealthy food.

  听力态度:Woman disagrees.


  1.around the carts, student cant dispose their trash in the garbage receipt, so the school should add more receipt to prevent trash throwing.

  2.The carts are not only selling unhealthy food such as hot dogs and pizza, they also sell fruits and juice, which are good for students.

  TASK 4:

  标题:learning transfer

  定义:it was influenced by the prior knowledge and experience to acquire new knowledge or tasks.

  听力:the professor practiced the piano when he was young and when he was in university to learn typing, he used the same ability to type without seeing the keyboard. This is a positive example. Another negative example is his friend who used to have stage acting, speak loud to make sure the audience could hear, but he then went to a movie acting training and still speak loudly, and this is not necessary since the microphone is just a few inches to his mouth.

  TASK 5:

  问题:The student lt his glasses at his parents’home. So he cant read without the glasses.

  解决方法1:The student could try to wait until his mother mailed him the glasses.


  缺点1:he has a lot to read, without glasses, he could not read for long time, this is very bad.

  解决方法2:The student could also take a bus home to get the glasses and return.


  缺点2:it takes couple of hours to go and return

  TASK 6:

  话题:Two ways of preventing soil salt accumulation

  小标题1:To build pipe line to drain the excessive water

  案例1: the water from the underground has many salt, if we can drain the excessive water, the salt will also be drained out of the soil.

  小标题2:To plant some salt resistent plants

  案例2:Farmers can cultivate salt resistant plants so they can still use the salt contained soil to produce.



  Topic: Three possible theories of why sturgeon fish jump into the air.

  阅读1:They need to feed themselves by the insects in the air

  阅读2:They want to remove the parasites on the scales.

  阅读3:They are aggressive when the tourists’ boats invade their territory.

  听力1:they don’t eat in the summer since they are fed in winter with enough, and they are bottom fed, they eat from the sea floor

  听力2:The most dangerous parasites are internal, not external, even some domesticated have external parasites.

  听力3: The human invasion is accidently, even without the invasion, the fish also jumped.


  Universities should spend more money on facilities(such as computer lab and technology in general) rather than on hiring some famous professors.










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