
2017-08-06 作者: 325阅读


  1. prer…to

  例句:The survey showed that most shoppers who drive prer the mall more to downtown stores simply because finding parking is less difficult at the mall.

  2. be scheduled for June/ Monday

  例句:Unfortunately, the opening of the new library complex, previously scheduled for next September, would be delayed for several months because of construction difficulties.

  3. protest against/ at/ about

  例句:Given her strong sense of social justice, Burns vehemently protested at her party’s failure to support a tax decrease for senior citizens.

  4. far away from 离...远...

  例句:My home is far away from the school.

  5. far from 不但不...

  例句:from having been a diehard conservative, Hoover was, some scholars now contend, Far the leading progressive of his day.

  6. consistent with/ inconsistent with

  例句:Alerted by the nervousness and evasiveness of the witness, the jurors were quick to perceive that his statements were inconsistent with those he had made earlier.

  7. manage to do sth

  例句:The illustrated books by Dr. Seuss have managed to keep youngsters and adults alike entertained for several decades.



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