
2017-08-06 作者: 226阅读


Writing Problem Sentence Illustrating the Problem Should be...
1. Being consistent
Sequence of tenses After he broke his arm, he is home for two weeks. After he broke his arm, he was home for two weeks.
Shift of pronoun If one is tense, they should try to relax. If one is tense, one should try to relax.
Parallelism She skis, plays tennis, and flying hang gliders. She skis, plays tennis, and flies hang gliders.
Noun agreement Carmen and Sarah want to be a pilot. Carmen and Sarah want to be pilots.
Pronoun rerence Several people wanted the job, and he or she filled out the required applications. Several people wanted the job, and they filled out the required applications.
Subject-verb agreement There is eight people on the shore. There are eight people on the shore.
2. Expressing ideas logically
Coordination and subordination Tawanda has a rash, and she is probably allergic to something. Tawanda has a rash; she is probably allergic to something.
Logical comparison Nathan grew more vegetables than his neighbor&aposs garden. Nathan grew more vegetables than his neighbor grew.
Modification and word order Barking loudly, the tree had the dog&aposs leash wrapped around it. Barking loudly, the dog wrapped its leash around the tree.
3. Being clear and precise
Ambiguous and vague pronouns In the newspaper they say that few people voted. The newspaper reported that few people voted.
Diction He circumvented the globe on his trip. He circumnavigated the globe on his trip.
Wordiness There are many problems in the contemporary world in which we live. There are many problems in the contemporary world.
Improper modification If your car is parked here while not eating in the restaurant, it will be towed away. If you park here and do not eat in the restaurant, your car will be towed away.
4. Following conventions
Pronoun case He sat between you and I at the stadium. He sat between you and me at the stadium.
Idiom Natalie had a different opinion for her. Natalie had a different opinion of her.
Comparison of modifiers Of the sixteen executives, Naomi makes more money. Of the sixteen executives, Naomi makes the most money.
Sentence fragment Fred having to go home early. Fred has to go home early.
Comma splice Mary took time out of her busy schedule to visit her aunt, John decided to continue working through the summer. Mary took time out of her busy schedule to visit her aunt, but John decided to continue working through the summer.
5. Recognizing Effective Writing Some sentences require students to recognize that there is no error.


  Multiple-choice writing questions focus on common problems associated with four characteristics of fective writing. Illustrations of problems are given below. The fifth category of questions requires recognition of correct sentences and fective writing strategies.



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