
2017-08-06 作者: 303阅读



  Aberrant – abnormal or deviant.

  Abstract – theoretical; not concrete.

  Accolade – award of merit.

  Acquiesce – assent; agree without protesting.

  Acrimonious – bitter in words or manner.

  Acute – quickly perceptive; keen; bri and severe.

  Adulation – flattery; admiration.

  Adversary – opponent.

  Advocate – urge; plead for.

  Affable – easily approachable; warmly friendly.

  Ameliorate – improve; make more satisfactory.

  Amorphous – formless; lacking shape pr dinition.

  Antagonistic – hostile; opposed.

  Antithesis – contrast; direct opposite of or to.

  Apprehension – fear; disconcernment.

  Archaic – antiquated.

  Ascetic – practicing self-denial; austere.

  Assuage – ease or lesson (pain); satisfy (hunger); soothe (pain).

  Astute – wise; shrewd.

  Audacious – daring; bold.

  Banal – commonplace; trite.

  Belligerent – quarrelsome.

  Benevolent – generous; charitable.

  Capricious – fickle; incalculable.

  Concur – agree in opinion.

  Contentious – quarrelsome.

  Cryptic – mysterious; secret; hidden.

  Debilitate – weaken; enfeeble.

  Derence – courteous regard for another’s wish.

  Deplore – regret strongly; express gri over.

  Depravity – corruption; wickedness.

  Deprecate – express disapproval of; protest against; belittle.

  Didactic – teaching; instructional.

  Diffuse – wordy; rambling; spread out.

  Diligence – steadiness of fort; persistent hard work.

  Disdain – view with scorn or contempt.

  Dispassionate – calm; impartial.

  Dissipate – squander; waste; scatter.

  Dissonance - Lack of agreement, consistency, or harmony.

  Eclectic – selective from choosing from a variety of sources.

  Effervescent – exuberant; bubbly and excited.


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