
2017-08-06 作者: 94阅读



  Major Developments

  1. Questions of periodization

  1.1. Continuities and breaks, causes of changes from the previous period and within this period

  2. Changes in trade, technology, and global interactions

  3. Knowledge of major empires and other political units and social systems

  3.1. Ottoman, China, Portugal, Spain, Russia, France, England, Tokugawa, Mughal, characteristics of African empires in general but knowing one (Kongo, Benin, Oyo, or Songhay) as illustrative

  3.2. Gender and empire (including the role of women in households and in politics)

  4. Slave systems and slave trade

  5. Demographic and environmental changes: diseases, animals, new crops, and comparative population trends

  6. Cultural and intellectual developments

  6.1. Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment

  6.2. Comparative global causes and impacts of cultural change

  6.3. Changes and continuities in Confucianism

  6.4. Major developments and exchanges in the arts (e.g., Mughal)


  Major Developments

  1. Questions of periodization

  1.1. Continuities and breaks, causes of changes from the previous period and within this period

  2. Changes in global commerce, communications, and technology

  2.1. Changes in patterns of world trade

  2.2. Industrial Revolution (transformative fects on and differential timing in different societies; mutual relation of industrial and scientific developments; commonalities)

  3. Demographic and environmental changes (migrations, end of the Atlantic slave trade, new birthrate patterns, food supply)

  4. Changes in social and gender structure (Industrial Revolution; commercial and demographic developments; emancipation of serfs/slaves; and tension between work patterns and ideas about gender)

  5. Political revolutions and independence movements; new political ideas

  5.1. Latin American independence movements

  5.2. Revolutions (United States, France, Haiti, Mexico, China)

  5.3. Rise of nationalism, nation-states, and movements of political rorm

  5.4. Overlaps between nations and empires

  5.5. Rise of democracy and its limitations: rorm; women; racism

  6. Rise of Western dominance (economic, political, social, cultural and artistic, patterns of expansion; imperialism and colonialism) and different cultural and political reactions (rorm; resistance; rebellion; racism; nationalism)

  6.1. Impact of changing European ideologies on colonial administrations








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