
2017-08-06 作者: 227阅读



  The French Subject Test is available in two formats: one is reading only and one includes a listening component. The French Subject Test with Listening is offered only on selected dates and at specific locations. The reading-only test is the one that is offered on national test dates and is the one discussed here.

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  The French Subject Test is designed to measure your ability to use French vocabulary correctly, to identify correct grammatical forms, and to read and understand French. The level of difficulty varies, since the test is based on the secondary-school curriculum and is usually taken by students who have had from two to four years of French.

  The test consists of 85 multiple-choice questions. Following are examples of the question types, with explanations.

  Vocabulary in Context

  In this type of question you are given an incomplete sentence and asked to fill in the blank with the word or expression that best completes it.


  1.Je voudrais manger tout de suite; j’ai extrêmement_________.

  (A) fin  (B) appétit  (C) faim  (D) chaud

  The answer is (C)j’ai extrêmement faim: I am extremely hungry. (A) is included here because it sounds and looks like the correct answer, faim; (B) cannot follow j’ai without additional words in between; (D) is structurally correct but meaningless here: “I would like to eat right away; I am extremely hot.”


  Here again you are given an incomplete sentence and asked to complete it. In this case, the word or expression that best completes the sentence will be one that makes it grammatically complete.


  2.Les hommes que nous avons_________ au match étaient très grands.

  (A) vu  (B) vues  (C) vus  (D) voyant

  The answer is (C), vus, which is the past participle of voir. The past participle of constructions that use avoir (avons in this example) must agree with the direct object if the direct object precedes the verb in the sentence. This is the case here: hommes (masculine plural) precedes avons vus.

  Structure - One Correct


  3.Les étudiants travaillent (souvent) le samedi.

  (A) tous  (B) lent  (C) systématique  (D) rarement

  The answer is (D) rarement, which is the only choice that fits grammatically in the sentence; the replacement must be an adverb to qualify the verb travaillent.

  Structure in Paragraph

  Anne a beaucoup d’argent; elle pourrait_________en

  4. (A)______  (B) part  (C) partir  (D) partie

  vacances si elle_________, mais elle est__________

  5. (A)voudra  (B)vouloir  (C)voulait  (D)voulu

  6. (A)obligé  (B)obliger  (C)oblige  (D)obligée

  de rester a Paris avec sa mère qui est malade.

  The answer to 4 is (C) partir, an infinitive, which is what must be used for the second verb when two verbs follow one another. (B) is a conjugated form of partir and (D) is the past participle.

  The answer to 5 is (C) voulait. In si clauses (clauses of condition), when the conditional is used for one verb, it must also be used for the second verb in the sentence.

  The answer to 6 is (D) obligée, which is the only one of the choices that correctly qualifies the feminine singular subject/noun: elle/Anne. (A) is masculine singular; (B) is the infinitive; and (C) is a conjugated form of the verb.

  Reading Comprehension

  On remonta sur le pont après dîner. Devant nous, la Méditerranée n’avait pas un frisson sur toute sa surface qu’une grande lune calme moirait. Le vaste bateau glissait, jetant sur le ciel, qui semblait ensemencé d’étoiles, un gros serpent de fumée noire; et, derrière nous, l’eau toute blanche, agitée par le passage rapide du lourd bâtiment, battue par l’hélice, moussait, semblait se tordre, remuait tant de clartés qu’on eût dit de la lumière de lune bouillonnant.

  Nous étions là, six ou huit, silencieux, admirant, l’oeil tourné vers l’Afrique lointaine où nous allions. Le commandant, qui fumait un cigare au milieu de nous, reprit soudain la conversation du dîner. « Oui, j’ai eu peur ce jour-là. Mon navire est resté six heures avec ce rocher dans le ventre, battu par la mer. Heureusement que nous avons été recueillis, vers le soir, par un charbonnier anglais qui nous aperçut. »


  7. Ce passage nous permet de conclure que

  (A) c’est une nuit de tempête

  (B) la mer est calme

  (C) il y a un incendie

  (D) il y a beaucoup de nuages

  8. Le bateau dans lequel se trouvent les six ou huit personnages

  (A) est un bateau à voiles

  (B) a des difficultés mécaniques

  (C) n’a pas d’hélice

  (D) est un bateau rapide

  9. Qu’est-ce que le commandant décide de faire?

  (A) D’aller dîner.

  (B) De recommencer la conversation.

  (C) De parler á un Anglais.

  (D) De rester silencieux.

  The answer to question 7 is (B). This question requires the reader to arrive at a conclusion based on details given in the passage, although the facts are stated differently in the answer from the way they are in the passage. The passage informs us that there isn’t even the slightest ripple (frisson) on the sea; the reader can assume that the sea is calm. The other proposed answers are unsupported by information given in the passage; indeed, they are sometimes contradicted by the passage. (A) and (D) are incorrect since we are told that there is a bright moon and stars in the sky. (C), the assumption that there is a fire (un incendie) is also incorrect, although one might be misled by the black smoke (fumée noire) coming from the ship’s smokestack.

  The answer to question 8 is (D). The supporting fact is found, although in different form, in the sentence that rers to the passage rapide du lourd bâtiment (the ship’s rapid course). (A) and (C) are contradicted by other facts mentioned in the passage: there is smoke emerging from the ship’s smokestack and there is a propeller (hélice). (B) is also incorrect because the ship experiencing difficulties is the one the captain tells the passengers about (paragraph 3), not the one they are on.








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