
2017-08-06 作者: 200阅读


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  1. Si Richard est riche il-----en voyage autour du monde.

  (A) partir

  (B) partira

  (C) est parti

  (D) partant

  2. Je veux être seul; je ne veux pas voyager avec

  (A) il

  (B) leurs

  (C) ils

  (D) elle

  3.-----est le travail des clowns.

  (A) facilement

  (B) rares

  (C) rapides

  (D) volée

  4. Les gens gagnent -----de l’argent à Wall Street.

  (A) Amuser

  (B) Amusent

  (C) Amusant

  (D) Amusés

  1. The correct answer is (B).

  In si (if) clauses, if the first verb is in the present tense, the second verb can only be in either the future, or futur proche (“I am going to” as opposed to “I will go”), or in the present.

  (A) is in the infinitive; (C) is in the passé composé; and (D) is a present participle (-ant ending).

  2. The correct answer is (D).

  The answer requires an object pronoun. (A) and (C) are subject pronouns; (B) is a possessive adjective. NOTE: Elle is used as both a subject pronoun and a direct object pronoun for the feminine singular.

  3. The correct answer is (A).

  The infinitive can be used as a subject in French (as it is in English; for example: To leave is to die a little); conjugated forms cannot (B); present participles cannot (C); and past participles cannot (D).

  4. The correct answer is (A).

  An adverb is needed to qualify the verb gagnent. (B) and (C) are adjectives; (D) is either an adjective or a past participle.



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