
2017-08-06 作者: 224阅读


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  Colonial life

  Royal African Company: selling slaves through middle passage

  NW / SC slave revolt: last struggle for slaves bore humiliation

  Congregational Church: church for puritans

  Half-way Covenant: granting half rights, including baptism, to some

  Salem Witch Trials

  Great Awakening: a series of Protestant religious revivals with Calvinism (led by: Jonathan Edwards, George Whitield)

  Paxton Boys & Regulator Movement: Scot-Irish insurrections to colonial governments

  Zenger Trial: freedom of press as long as it’s true


  Colonial Conflicts bore Independence

  King William’s & Queen Anne’s war: British vs. French

  War of Jenkins’s Ear (King George’s War): British vs. Spanish

  French and Indian War (Seven Years’ War): started by border issues; British beat French and took Canada & Ohio Valley; George Washington as lieutenant

  Fort Duquesne: where Washington first loses

  Albany Congress: first try to unite colonies for dense and Iroquois support; rejected by both colonies and Parliament; led by Thomas Jferson but summoned by British gov

  Proclamation of 1763: banning colonists’ westward expansion for Indian settlement

  Navigation Laws: lead American merchant ship to England first; later being “salutary neglected”

  Other British acts: Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Townshend Acts (all three taxes), Quartering Act (feed British troops)

  Non-importation Agreement: made by Stamp Act Congress to protest

  Son of Liberty & Committees of correspondence: colonial groups to resist Parliament policies & to inform other colonies and public the British violations

  Declaratory Act: Parliament to reaffirm its right to bind colonies in all cases

  Boston Massacre: riot in Boston in Mar 5, 1770 between Bostonians and British soldiers

  --John Adams as denders of soldiers in court

  Boston Tea Party: dumping teas from East India Company that is near bankruptcy and requires colonists to pay tax to rescue it

  Intolerable Acts: punish Boston: no trades, no town meetings, no home privacy & security; soldiers can use violence; was officially named Coercive Acts

  First Continental Congress: led by John Adams

  The Association: calling for complete boycott on British goods but not independence

  Galloway Plan of Union: for a national assembly led by a royally appointed president to serve as American branch of Parliament; rejected in congress

  Second Continental Congress:

  Olive Branch Petition: professing loyalty to crown & begging for peace; rejected by King George III

  Declaration of Independence: written by Jferson

  Model Treaty: declaring only commercial connection with foreign gov

  Common Sense: written by Thomas Paine, for “governing from the consent of the governed”

  Armed neutrality: the attitude of European countries to Britain

  Treaty of Fort Stanwix: allying with Indians

  Lexington and Concord: first few shots for War; near Boston

  Bunker Hill: a place where Americans won at first (bore Olive Branch Petition)

  Battle of Long Island (where Washington retreats); Battle of Trenton (attack off-guard Hessians in Christmas); Brandywine (won);

  Battle of Saratoga: key battle that bring France in to help Americans; also later Poland, Germany, Spain

  Battle of Yorktown: the end of the war

  Hessians: European mercenaries

  Treaty of Paris of 1783: the end; granting Ohio Valley, fishing rights in New England, loyalists’ right protected, still pay debts



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