
2017-08-06 作者: 284阅读


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  Getting Ready for the Test

  Anticipated Skills

  Knowledge of basic literary terminology, such as irony, stanza, image, tone, alliteration and speaker (highly specialized terms are not covered).

  Understanding of the following literary concepts:

  Overall meaning, including fect and theme

  Form, including structure, genre and organization

  Use of language, including word choice, imagery and metaphor

  Meanings and connotations of specific words in context

  Narrative voice, including tone and attitude

  Characterization in narrative and dramatic selections

Source of Questions Approximate % of Test
American literature written by authors from the United States 40–50%
English literature written by British authors 40–50%
Other literature written in English past tests have included writers from India, Ireland, Canada and the Caribbean 0–10%
Chronology Approximate % of Test
Renaissance and 17th century 30%
18th and 19th centuries 30%
20th century 40%
Genre Approximate % of Test
Prose passages primarily excerpts from fiction and essays 40–50%
Poetry primarily entire poems, although some selections are excerpted from longer works 40–50%
Drama and other 0–10%

  Recommended Preparation

  3–4 years of literary study at the college-preparatory level

  Close, critical reading in English and American literature from a variety of historical periods and genres

  Reading of complete novels and plays — not just excerpts

  Independent, critical reading of poetry, prose and drama



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