
2017-08-06 作者: 205阅读



  The SAT Biology E/M Subject Test consists of a total of 100 questions: a common core of 60 questions followed by 20 questions in each of the two specialty sections.

  Everyone who takes this exam has to answer the 60 core questions, but you get to choose the specialty section you feel more comfortable with: Ecology or Molecular Biology. Altogether, then, you answer only 80 of the 100 questions: the 60 core questions and the 20 questions from your chosen specialty group. Detailed instructions for choosing your specialty section will be given to you on the day of the exam.


  There are three types of questions that are used in the SAT Biology E/M Subject Test:

  Classification questions

  Five-choice questions

  Laboratory five-choice questions

  Classification Questions

  This type of question is sort of like a little “matching test.” A list of five words or phrases is set up, lettered A through E. For each list you get three or four questions, with question numbers next to them. But the questions aren’t really questions, they’re phrases—half-sentences. Your job is to match the phrase in the question with the word or phrase that appears in the list A through E. Here’s an example:

  Directions: Each set of lettered choices below rers to the numbered statements immediately following it. Select the one lettered choice that best fits each statement and then fill in the corresponding oval on the answer sheet. A choice may be used once, more than once, or not at all in each set.

  Questions 1-3


  (B)Adrenal cortex




  1. Secretes glucagon

  2. Regulates metabolism

  3. Structure producing female gametes

  The answers are C, A, and D. But don’t worry about the answers right now. We just want you to know how this type of question looks. You’ll probably get about four of these little “matching tests”—about 16 classification questions in all—when you take the SAT Biology E/M Subject Test.



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