2017-08-06 166阅读
Martin Van Buren (1836-1840) (Democrats)
--appointed by Jackson
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Panic of 1837: the consequence of Bank War & disasters
Independent Treasury: national financial assets separated from market
Texas Republic: won independence from Mexico in 1836; recognized by US later
Aroostook War: with Britain to fix the Maine border
Gag Resolution: Southerners’ drive that required all antislavery appeals to be tabled without debate; Quincy Adams fought 8 years to repeal it
Amistad slave revolt: rebelling aboard the Spanish slave ship Amistad, but later driven ashore to Long Island; Quincy Adams secured their freedom in front of Supreme Court with a moving speech
William Henry Harrison (1840) dead after 4 weeks
John Tyler (1841-1844) (Whigs…technically)
--president without a party; technically Whigs, but not so Whigs
Tariff of 1842: raise back to pre-1833 tariff
Webster-Ashburton Treaty: after Aroostook War, fixing borders and opposing slavery together
James Polk (1844-1848) (Democratic-Republican)
--slogan: Manifest Destiny (“American democracy all over the hemisphere”); Clay deated by a margin of a small Liberty Party’s absorbed votes
Texas annexation
Walker Tariff: lower than Whigs’
Oregon Dispute: first wanted 54N (part of Polk’s slogan), but eventually 49N
Mexican war
California Bear Flag Republic: the rebelled nation supported by American officers and John Fremont
Battle of Buena Vista: General Zachary Taylor was made hero
Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo: Mexico recognized Texas annexation & ceded California to US
Wilmot Proviso: amendment that no slavery exists from former Mexico regions; twice passed in House but never Senate
Zachary Taylor (1848-1850d) (Whigs)
California Gold Rush: short after California became America’s
Free Soil Party: an antislavery third party arguing that slavery limit opportunity for free labor
Millard Fillmore (1850-1852)
Underground Railroad: help black slaves to escape
Compromise of 1850
--proposed by Henry Clay (Whig leader), John Calhoun (“Great Nulifier”, promoter of slavery), Daniel Webster; aided by Fillmore while Taylor opposed to it
--North: California free, District of Columbia free
--South: Mexican cession territories decided by popular sovereignty, $10mil for Texas, stricter fugitive-slave law
Fugitive Slave Law of 1850: high penalty for anyone who aid slaves and demand all officers to help getting runaways back; strengthened antislavery cause
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