SAT2美国历史:Ulysses S. Grant总统.

2017-08-06 作者: 151阅读

  下面为大家整理的是关于Ulysses S. Grant总统的SAT2美国历史知识点,非常详细,大家在复习SAT2美国历史时可以进行参考。


  Ulysses S. Grant (1868-1876)

  Fifteenth Amendment: blacks get vote

  Tweed Scandal: a boss of city machine on immigrants with bribery, graft, fraud elections; exposed by Thomas Nast and Samuel Tilden

  --City machine: party in city system that promised public service & system to citizens in exchange for their votes; also participate in corrupt affairs badly (that’s how they can get the system)

  Credit Mobilier scandal: a pacific railroad company that announced inflated stock for more profit; vice president has bribery; Grant wanted to save him but failed

  Whiskey Ring scandal: Grant’s private secretary that stole millions in excise-tax revenues

  Jim Fisk and Jay Gould scandal: the speculator that wanted to raise gold price by bribing Treasury not to sell gold; Grant in the end ordered a big sale to counter them, but honest speculators suffered

  Panic of 1873

  Civil Rights Act of 1875: promise blacks equal access to public accommodations and ban racism in jury selection; lack enforcement and many was declared unconstitutional by Supreme Court

  Enforcement Acts & Force Acts: allowing federal gov to use force against terrorist groups like KKK

  Resumption Act

  National Labor Union: the first national organization; wide membership, but not much minority

  Knights of Labor: the second, with really wide scale regardless of skill, gender or race; perished b/c participating in too many violent strikes and discord between skilled and unskilled

  Rutherford Hayes & James Garfield & Chester Arthur (1876-1884)

  Stalwarts & Half-Breeds: two sections within Republic that fight for patronage; later when Hayes was president and propose civil service rorm, Half-Breeds supported him while Stalwarts oppose rorm; but when Arthur succeed presidency he also put forth rorm

  Compromise of 1877: Hayes & Tilden draw in election, and Democrats let Hayes be president in exchange of withdrawing troops in south, patronage, Texas subsidy and Pacific Railroad

  Garfield assassinated: by Charles Guiteau, a Stalwart, to let Half-Breed Garfield go and Stalwart Arthur on

  Chinese Exclusion Act: made in 1882 and repealed by Truman

  Civil Rights Cases

  Pendleton Act: setting up Civil Service Commission to examine the quality of gov officers

  Battle of Little Bighorn: Sioux tribe attacked and killed all Colonel George Custer’s troops; it’s the only victory they get bore driven away

  Battle of Wounded Knee: the final try of resistance of Sioux Tribe

  Dawes Severalty Act: taking away the reservation land Indians once own, selling them in return for money to civilize them

  以上就是SAT2美国历史知识点中关于Ulysses S. Grant总统的介绍。这一段的历史对美国现在的生活方式的形成有重要的影响,大家可以根据这些知识点进行自己的备考。


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