
2017-08-06 作者: 166阅读

  SAT2考试是SAT subject test的通常说法,SAT2考试有别于SAT1,它是一种专项考试,考察学生某一科目的能力。下面澳际小编为大家介绍以字母N开头的SAT2物理考试高频词汇整理。


  An almost massless particle of neutral charge that is released along with a beta particle in beta decay.


  A neutrally charged particle that, along with protons, constitutes the nucleus of an atom.

  Neutron number

  The number, N, of neutrons in an atomic nucleus.


  A unit of force: 1 N is equivalent to a 1 kg · m/s2.

  Newton’s First Law

  An object at rest remains at rest, unless acted upon by a net force. An object in motion remains in motion, unless acted upon by a net force.

  Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation

  The force of gravity, F, between two particles of mass and , separated by a distance r, has a magnitude of , where G is the gravitational constant. The force is directed along the line joining the two particles.

  Newton’s Second Law

  F = ma. The net force, F, acting on an object causes the object to accelerate, a. The magnitude of the acceleration is directly proportional to the net force on the object and inversely proportional to the mass, m, of the object.

  Newton’s Third Law

  To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. If an object A exerts a force on another object B, B will exert on A a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force exerted by A.


  The points on a standing wave where total destructive interference causes the medium to remain fixed at its equilibrium position.


  The line perpendicular to a surface. There is only one normal for any given surface.

  Normal force

  The reaction force of the ground, a table, etc., when an object is placed upon it. The normal force is a direct consequence of Newton’s Third Law: when an object is placed on the ground, the ground pushes back with the same force that it is pushed upon. As a result, the net force of an object on the ground is zero, and the object does not move.

  Nuclear fission

  A nuclear reaction in which a high-energy neutron bombards a heavy, unstable atomic nucleus, causing it to split into two smaller nuclei, and releasing some neutrons and a vast amount of energy at the same time.

  Nuclear fusion

  A nuclear reaction that takes place only at very high temperatures. Two light atoms, often hydrogen, fuse together to form a larger single atom, releasing a vast amount of energy in the process.


  The center of an atom, where the protons and neutrons reside. Electrons then orbit this nucleus.



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