SAT2美国历史知识点:Theodore Roosevelt总统.

2017-08-06 作者: 157阅读

下面为大家整理的是关于Theodore Roosevelt总统的SAT2美国历史知识点,非常详细,西奥多·罗斯福(1858.10.27—1919.1.6)是美国第26任总统,西奥多·罗斯福继任总统时,不到43岁,所以成为美国历史上最年轻的总统。大家在复习SAT2美国历史时可以进行参考。   Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1908) (Republican)   --beginning of Progressivism   Voting rorm:   Initiative: people can sign a petition for a legislation to push it on the ballot;   Rerendum: people can sign a petition to require a popular vote on a recently passed law;   Direct-primary & Recall: voters can put & remove an elected official in & from office by vote;   Secret Ballot: a uniform ballot for all party so that others cannot identify what one’s vote is; helps to restrict city machine’s forcing people to vote   Elkins Act: regulating trusts; high fine for railroads giving rebates   Meat Inspection Act & Pure Food and Drug Act: federal inspection on meat & outlawing poison sale and required ingredient labels   Hepburn Act & Free passes: authorize ICC to regulate interstate commerce & restricting bribery   Northern Securities case: a railroad company sued by gov   Muller v. Oregon: women workers can have more protection   Lochner v. New York: progressivism’s failure to enforce 10-hour day for bakers   Muckrakers: magazines exposing trusts; led by Ida Tarbell (expose Standard Oil scandal), David Phillips (exposed 70 senators, thus interested TR); also books like Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle, Ray Baker’s Following the Color Line, and Lincoln Stfens’ The Shame of Cities   Progressives in office: Samuel Jones, Tom Johnson, Robert La Follette   Woman Christian Temperance Union (WCTU): have white ribbon for purity, led by Carrie A. Nation   American Socialist Party: led by Eugene V. Debs   “Roosevelt Panic of 1907”: Wall Street and TR attack each other   Roosevelt Corollary: to gain eco control of Latinos and prevent European intervention on their business   Construction of Panama Canal: at first TR bargained with Colombia (who owns Panama), but failed; then US supported Panamanian rebels in exchange to permanent sovereignty in the Canal Zone   Hay-Pauncote Treaty: control over the canal that revoked Clayton-Bulwer Treaty with Britain   Russo-Japanese peace treaty: the peace treaty after their war; TR mediated it and let both side angry   San-Francisco Japanese education crisis: later “Gentleman’s agreement” with Japan to settle it   Root-Takahira Agreement: respect each others’ territories and uphold Open Door   以上就是SAT2美国历史知识点中关于Theodore Roosevelt总统的介绍。这一段的历史对美国现在的生活方式的形成有重要的影响,大家可以根据这些知识点进行自己的备考。


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